RIP Barbara Walters

Like when they paid Pete Rose the $1 million salary, once Barabara had famously reached and passed the million dollar salary it was over for real journalism. It was no longer about getting the story right. Instead it was about doing whatever it took to make the money. Not a swipe at Barbara, a swipe at her industry.

She reached heights never thought possible through tenacious dedication. Millions tuned in to see her interview people nobody else could or would. But I really thought she'd outlive Keith Richards.
She was certainly controversial. Sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for not very good ones at all. I remember the interview she did with Dolly Parton. Rude and disrespectful. Dolly played it off at first. But when Walters continued with that behavior, Dolly put her in her place. Not one of Walters' better interviews. But the one with Castro was indeed very gutsy of her.

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