RIP Jayrob...


Jan 3, 2008
Northern CA U.S.A.
Hello to all. This is Jay's wife. I know he enjoyed this forum very much and has built so many flashlights over the years. I wanted to let everyone know that Jay fought a courageous battle with Pancreatic cancer for 7 months but unfortunately it took him from me. He died back in November of 2021. I just wanted to let everyone here know in case they were trying to reach out to him.
That being said I have no idea how to use this forum so I hope I am doing this announcement in the right area. If not I apologize.
I am now raising our 10 year old on my own so also wanted to know how to go about selling some of his parts and builds. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. ~ Brandi
Very sorry for your loss. My condolences.
It has been years since I've bought or sold anything on CPF.
I'm certain another member will chime in with all the details to help you in that regard.
I didn't know your husband but sorry to hear about his passing..
Want To Sell Flashlights & Parts will be the section to offer Jays collection.
If you need help pricing, maybe one of CPF Moderators will chime-in with a pm and help you with setting values 🙏
I am so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and the family.
I don't know the extent of his collection but I'm sure that the community will be able to help with pricing out what you have and selling.
Oh my. I am so sorry for your loss. Jay was a wonderful contributor to this hobby that we all love so much. I will remember his builds as one of the very first things that appealed to me when I stepped into this world.

Please do let us know how we can help you and your child during these difficult times.
Wow, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. While I did not know him personally, I recall reading many of jayrob's posts. Wishing you and your Family peace.
So sorry for you and your kid :( send a pm to a few of the moderators and they will (I am sure set you in the right direction) Some pics of the lights would be good and don't worry and the guys will make sure you get fair prices for the lights. Don't be tempted to deal with anyone on private messages before putting them up on here. Best of luck with it
Hello to all. This is Jay's wife. I know he enjoyed this forum very much and has built so many flashlights over the years. I wanted to let everyone know that Jay fought a courageous battle with Pancreatic cancer for 7 months but unfortunately it took him from me. He died back in November of 2021. I just wanted to let everyone here know in case they were trying to reach out to him.
That being said I have no idea how to use this forum so I hope I am doing this announcement in the right area. If not I apologize.
I am now raising our 10 year old on my own so also wanted to know how to go about selling some of his parts and builds. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. ~ Brandi

I'm sorry for your loss, please accept our deepest condolences.
If you're looking for someone who can sell those lights for you I imagine you can find someone to help you, but if you're looking to sell them by yourself I'm fairly certain that with the collective knowledge of the people over here we would be able to help you price the items.
I am very sorry to hear this. I have a light he built. I have had it for several years and it is one of my favorite pieces. I never met him but he will be missed.
Sorry for the loss, Brandi. Jay was the FIRST person I contacted on this forum for my very first custom Maglite build, it was the start of a slippery slope since then.

I'm sure a lot of us here would love to help with what we can to clear out and raise some funds for you and your boy.

I'm still at a loss for words...
My condolences. They will help you here.

And talk to your local officials, in some places there are additional social benefits/help for families who have lost their breadwinner. It is difficult to raise a child alone, but perhaps - my great-grandmother had 8 of her children when my great-grandfather died in the war.
I was a big fan and bought 2 of his creations and he helped me with other things. If you can send an email to me at I'll be able to go over the extent of the collection with my flashlight buddies in New Jersey and maybe we can get it done in one shot to make things easier on you.

I apologize for the original reply it somehow got mashed up when writing on my phone.
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Dangit, I was about to PM him about another flashlight build. Im very sorry to hear about your loss Brandi. Jay was good people. This community just took a huge L 😭