RIP Nuwai Q3...Suggestions for a new EDC


Newly Enlightened
Jan 6, 2005
So here's my story: I had a Q3 which was wonderful. Flupic, RCR123, upgraded Luxeon, glass lens, $1.02 copper heatsink, IMS20. Wonderful stuff. Problem is, I would clip it to the inside of my pants pocket, and as the clip got looser I started losing it in couches or at other people's houses, etc. Finally it disappeared. This was over a year ago. Boo hoo.

Part two: My wife gave me (back) her Q3 so I could make another one. More or less the same parts, but by now the Crees are in full swing, so I get one of those. I've still got another flupic, so i put it all together more or less exactly the same. *And then I lose it _THAT WEEKEND_ on the way to Seattle*. Sucks to be me.

So I'm thinking I better just find something new.

Here's what I'd like:

- Small: I'd like to be able to pocket it
- Single RCR123 powered
- Cree/Seoul
- Multi-Mode: here's the kicker. I'm in love with how the flupic modes, especially the lowest power setting. I'd like something with adjustable brightness.

I've got a Fenix L1D in my pocket now, but it doesn't run 123s and the low setting is still pretty bright.

So any and all suggestions are appreciated. While $100 is probably my cap at this point, i'm willing to entertain anything at this point. A basic mod is also feasible for me, however i probably won't be milling my own parts anytime soon.

There's the Novatac 120P. Four modes that can be set for different levels of light and about the same size as the QIII. If you're in the States, can be had for about $140.

addition; there's also a 85P for a little over $100.
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If you like your Q3 so much you could try the newest version of the Q3 with a rebel led in it. It's only one level though.
There's the Novatac 120P. Four modes that can be set for different levels of light and about the same size as the QIII. If you're in the States, can be had for about $140.

addition; there's also a 85P for a little over $100.

If you like your Q3 so much you could try the newest version of the Q3 with a rebel led in it. It's only one level though.

Didn't realize that they had one with a Rebel in it. That might be worth looking into.

Is there anyone currently making a circuit board comparable to the flupic? It was just so handy because it fit the Q3 and all i had to do was solder on the new star...
i agree on one of the novatacs. i love mine! actually all 3 of them. go for the P, the programming options are amazing with this little light! i like the 120 but i've never had experience with the 85. its a little pricey, but totally worth it. otherwise, just build a new q3!
Well... I do have a Q5 modded Q-III in BST...:naughty:

But of course there are some great lights out there new. My EDC's are the Nitecore Defender Infinity, or the Fenix P2DQ5. Both are pocketable, and very durable. Mulitple output options with a bright high, and small single cell size.
Sorry to hear about the loose clip problem. Have you seen the clip on that new 'Angel' CR123 light from PTS? the clip is substantial. That Lumapower Incendio looks pretty good. Of course the Novatac is a good move.
Lighthound and Batteryjunction both sell the Novatacs. 2% off coupon at Lighthound is "CPF" and 5% off coupon at BatteryJunction is "CPF2006".

But I think there is somewhere where you can still get the 120P for $120 instead of what they sell for now.
Ya,I'm in the same boat,almost...I got a novatec 120T on its way(I like the T for its simpleton use instead of the each their own),but I still have a wondering eye at the Incendio,nitecore defender,and the jetbeam-I mk I.B.S. but who knows...After I get the 120T people say I won't want anything else.I still like the feel of my Fenix L1P but its seen its day and is becomeing outdated(although a great light) in your search,I feel your pain:crazy:
So the NovaTac 120P it is. :)

Ordered and was delivered on Friday, just in time for a night at a Ranch.

While on some level I still yearn for the Flupic UI, I think I will learn to love again.

Thanks for all your help. And BTW, they've still got more at yourcornerstore, and they're cheap. :D