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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
Unfortunately went off topic elsewhere, but living in this tiny dot of a republic in South East Asia where we are so well lit and have little power outages, we sg flashaholics gotta band together! So, this is where we ended :

1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)

roll call gentlemen, (and ladies if any)
Last edited:
1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee[/quote]
8. N.E.L - woodlands
1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
8. N.E.L - woodlands

Hey... din know the NEL went all the way to woodlands... thought it ends at punggol??? :nana: :nana: :nana:
Me! Toa-payoh

Theres also:
KevinL, inventor of the ROP
iSleep- Simei
and flashlight!

Latest List!!!

1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
8. N.E.L - woodlands

9. Crenshaw
10. KevinL
11. iSleep
12. flashlight
Latest List!!! (Proposed: Singapore Flashaholic Club):devil:

1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
8. N.E.L - woodlands
9. Crenshaw
10. KevinL
11. iSleep
12. flashlight
13. R L (Kallang)
off thread abit here... whats ROP stand for?:shrug:

Roar Of the Pelican... its one of the simpler mag mod available..

Do a search for ROP on the incan forum and you can read more about it...

also off thread a bit here... if after reading and you are intrested in one, I do have one... like new that I want to let go off... PM me if you are interested... :thumbsup:
Latest List!!! (Proposed: Singapore Flashaholic Club):devil:

1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
8. N.E.L - woodlands
9. Crenshaw
10. KevinL
11. iSleep
12. flashlight
13. R L (Kallang)
14. sORe-EyEz - T. Payoh
Latest List!!! (Proposed: Singapore Flashaholic Club):devil:

1. hyperloop - tampines
2. Tessaiga - Upper Serangoon
3. steven- kovan
4. Tsia - Seng Kang
5. snailmeat - woodlands (but constantly shining lights at Changi Business Park, where I work....)
6. albert - old airport road
7. lightfet - Yew Tee
8. N.E.L - woodlands
9. Crenshaw
10. KevinL
11. iSleep
12. flashlight
13. R L (Kallang)
14. sORe-EyEz - T. Payoh
15. nautilus1950- Whampoa/Balestier
Can I be an honourary Singaporean? :D

I live in Perth, W.Australia but visit/live there at least once a year.

I wife's family live near Tana Merah MRT. (Old Changi Road)

And apart from my Aussie accent, I think I would be considered a local.

If only we had good bakwah, rochor mee, prata and old chang kee in Perth!!!! :popcorn:
What does everyone here think about starting a Facebook Group for "Flashaholics In Republic of SIngapore - Torches" aka "FIRST"??

a bit corny i know, but i have just come back from a booze up session and its 1.04 a.m. and my wife thinks i am mad drunk and have a fauxton on a leather cord around my neck :p

suggestions for name? is the FB group thing a good idea??
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