Romisen RV-235... anybody got one?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 20, 2009
Huntsville, AL
I just noticed a new variant of the Romisen RC-N3 called the RV-235. There are Neutral versions and Cold versions. Does anybody have one yet? I don't even see anything about this posted on the Marketplace, which surprises me. I just stumbled into these at the website of one of our favorite Romisen dealers [Yeah, that one. I'd post the vendor name, but I'm not sure if that's within the forum rules... if it's OK, let me know]
I've got the RV-235 from Shining Beam and have been very happy with it. Once thing to know, the tube is on the narrow side. Standard AA and Eneloops fit fine but my Maha Powerex batteries are to big around.