ROP Low Bulb With 3XCR123 Primaries?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2000
Dunsmuir, Ca.
We discussed this a good while ago but I was wondering if anyone has any updates and has successfully used the ROP low bulb with 3 CR123 primaries? I know there are other cell options to run the ROP low and there is a fairly high voltage draw with the 3X123s but is anyone here using this combo successfully and safely?
Thanks for the reply Tiger but I'm still a little confused. An ROP LOW pulls right around 1.9 amps and 3X123s can handle 2A, (from many sources I've seen). Heck, a Surefire P91 LA draws almost 2.5A from 3X123s and people run it so I'm wondering why a ROP LOW bulb pulling 1.9A shouldn't work fine?
should be fine. like you say, LF lamps draw ~2.5A. however... I've seen plenty of evidense that 2.5A is not a good place for CR123s to be at, not sure why SF has LAs designed that way. 2A is the corner efficiancy if you ask me, (beyond 2 amps, CR123s aren't doing anything useful)
Good point mdocod. SF's HOLAs are probably just meant to be used in short bursts but they're still pulling 2.5A from the cells and I haven't heard of any explosions in all these years. I guess I'll just have to try the ROP bulb with the 3X123s and see what happens.