Safe to drive a Q3-5C at 1000 mA?

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
According to the data sheet, Cree XR-E white LEDs < 5000k are supposed to have a maximum current of 700mA.

Would driving one of these at 1000 mA :poof: it or simply reduced it's lifespan?
I think it will be ok as long as it is adequately heatsinked. Not sure what the actual current to the emitters are, but based on their current draws, both my Malkoff M60W and modded E2DL have got to be putting about an amp on neutral emitters. The M60W probably has at least 200 hours on it so far after 7 months of regular use on night shift. Lifespan may be compromised to some extent, but with an emitter rated for 50k hours I have a hard time caring.
I agree with Owen. Driving one of those emitters at 1000mA is similar to driving a cool white emitter with a stated maximum of 1000mA at (1000/700)*1000 = 1428.6 mA. This is certainly doable, but also keep in mind that the phosphors can degrade, so the tint may shift towards blue over time. How many thousands of hours will it take before you care about reduced output and tint shift? I can't pretend to know that. :shrug: But I would guess that by then something better will be out and this emitter will be swapped out for it. :devil:
I've been running a Q3 5A in a Trustfire TR801 at around 1A with no noticeable problems.
I have been running a Q3 5A at 1A +/- 100mA in a p60 generic host with foil. no :poof:. But then again, my meter also reads my P4 DD'd at 2.2A, so I dunno if it can be trusted yet, gotta find something to calibrate it with.
That's why I'm wondering if my meter is off. It reads almost exactly 1A at tailcap for a generic 5-mode retroed with a q3 5c