Well I am just getting in to saltwater fish and have had a fresh water tank before so I am looking for a whole setup, tank included. Also I was planning to have a reef one anenemone a clam some shrimp some fish all docile and a few sea snails. Thanks
K, then I am assuming you're experienced with fresh water, trying to explore new world of salt water for the first time.
I did had several freshwater tanks and couple saltwater tanks for more than 10 years. Not any more. I had to get rid of them all except one freshwater tank because of personal reason.
Anyway, I can't cover all the saltwater basics and I am not sure what you mean by "whole setup" because it all depends on what you're thinking.
But here's what I can tell you.
- First, have lot of respect and patience. You're gonna need it.
- Decide what you gonna do. If you go only for fish and couple hermit crabs, it's easy. You can treat them like a freshwater tank. Tank size doesn't really matter. 30~40G all-in-one type tank would work well. Just use argonite sand instead of gravel. This is the easiest option.
- But if you want anything more than fish and couple hermit crabs, that's quite different story. Corals, anemones, and some invertables like clams need very bright light, near flawless water quality, lots of water flow and intensive care. You need to be serious and you will need whole lot of research and equipment before start this, and they ain't cheap. Give yourself at least a month to research/study and then, we're going to talk about it later.