Samsung 35E unprotected batteries safe to use in X7?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2013
Okay, so i bought some batteries a week ago that i though were protected, as i've red that Samsungs 35E HDC batteries are protected. Turns out these are not.
It's my fault though, the seller wrote "NO PCB" in the description, but i did not know what that meant, until today ( I was researching a little about batteries ). I haven't gotten the cells yet, but is it safe to use these in the X7? From what i understand the X7 vil automatically cut off power when the voltage is critical low?
Safety wise I think you will be ok. But you won't be happy. I'll explain.

The lack of protection is not going to be your problem using the 35E's in an X7. It will be the lack of maximum discharge current. The X7 requires batteries that can deliver <10A continuous discharge. The 35E's can't do that, you won't get turbo mode for very long if at all. You need a 15A continuous discharge battery like the Samsung 30Q for the X7 to give you turbo and turbo S for a useable amount of time.

I have an X7 NW, I use Samsung 30Q button tops because flat tops will not make contact and they have given me the best run time using the higher modes. Don't worry about using unprotected batteries because the X7 is very conservative in lowering the brightness level when the voltage drops. In my opinion it's too conservative, it will not enter turbo S if the batteries have under about 4.05V. Remember it also has an external battery indicator.

Aha, thank you for the reply, Frank. Good to hear from someone with first hand experience. I'll aim for the 30Q's with my x7 next time I'll get spare batteries for it.

The weird thing is that the batteries that are recommended for the x7 is the Olight hdc 35000mah, which i've red is rewrapped Samsung 35E with protection ( 8-10A ). I've also red that there have been issues regarding those batteries and the turbomodes on the x7. Why would Olight recommend these batteries and sell them really expensive if they're not good enough? They should maybe have changed the recommendation for batteries..
Okay, so i waited for the dark to surround the cold forest. Mounted the X7 to my belt, the pd36r and tk25 to my pockets and wandered into the woods through an overgrown path that lead to a road of gravel. Fired up the X7 and made the black nothingness fade into oblivion.

Turbo S was the chosen mode, and the warmth i felt in my hand after a few minutes made me expect a stepdown for not long, but that did not happen. Somewhere between three to five minutes (got distracted by a couple of green reflective eyes) the light collapsed. The darkness filled my eyes and i was glad i carried two smaller torches with me to make the blindness end because the x7 would not turn on again.

The x7 went from Turbomode to shutdown. When i came home i unscrewed the tailcap and waitet for around eight minutes, and it was pouring out light again.

Is this because the batteries did not deliver enough power? It shuts down instead for stepping down?
And does the Samsung Q30 exist in both 15A and 20A? I see both when i search for it, or is the 20A fake?
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Just for info, I wen't for the Sony VTC6 from mountain electronics as they ship originals.
I don't know the light. But if it doesn't have its own protection to prevent over discharging the LiIon cells. There is a minimum voltage for safe use of LiIon cells.

Then you'd be a victim of the hazards of charging cell that were discharged too far. A key reason for using protected cells as I do. I'd have know way of knowing how low they are.
The x7 have it's own protection. It cuts out at about 2.9v.

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