Just followed me home. It's in many pieces for shipping, but I got to try it out before I took it apart, and it worked well, but is extremely grungy - the shop it was in was just filthy - $500 - and I stole a nice Holdridge radious dresser - they didn't know what to ask for it, so I offered $40, and they accepted
Photos after I put it back together
BTW - they also have a Butterfly 6x12 surface grinder, and a Reid 8x16 for sale, a ram edm, a couple of old lathes, drill presses, and 8 injection molding machines if anyone is interested
Photos after I put it back together
BTW - they also have a Butterfly 6x12 surface grinder, and a Reid 8x16 for sale, a ram edm, a couple of old lathes, drill presses, and 8 injection molding machines if anyone is interested