Sensitive switch


Newly Enlightened
May 6, 2008
Hi all,
I don't understand why the search don't work... i'me sure there some threads about this subject, but... !!
I want to mod a mag 2 D (probably) with the SSC P7 and a Li/ion 5A.
This torch is for scuba diving, and i want to know if the official maglite is really waterproof if i replace the standard switch.
If yes, have you some stuff about the switch replacement ? is sensitive switch works fine underwater ? what electronics to drive the switch ?
Thanks for any answer...

Welcome to CPF, jissé!

You have arrived at a time when the search facility is temporarily down, but it should be back up again soon, when a few server problems have been fixed.

Just to confirm what rolling says: a stock Maglite would be unsuitable for diving, and as far as I know there is no way to modify the switch to make it sufficiently waterproof. It would need a redesign.

Button-type on/off switches are of limited use in diving applications, as they can be activated by water pressure.
Many tanks for so fast answers !!

For DM : i know the limitation of the mechanical on/off push buttons....i have ear about Piezo switch glued directly on the body of the lamp.

Bye and best regards