Seoul Mag Lite drop ins ??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
Hey Guys,

I haven't seen any reviews for a Seoul drop in for a mag lite.

Can anyone make a recommendation.??
I would need one for a 2D and 2C mag.

I would recommend building one of your own, take a look at the thread here. I ended up modding a 2C, and a 2D light each with a heatsinks, a SVO-bin Seoul Emitter, and a 500mA micropuck. 500mA is actually a fairly nice drive -- the LED is cool and efficient with the heatsink, and the batteries should have fairly long runtime. The SVO is a nice neutral-white tint, not as cool as most LEDs. Cost me about $30 each to do the mod -- the same as the price of most drop-in bulbs which have all been shown to be less efficient, less reliable, and lack heatsinking. If you're comfortable with modding, I would recommend doing this. If not, I'd say either buy a pre-modded maglite, or buy the Malkoff Drop In (which is 1A regulated with a heatsink) -- it will cost more, but you'll get a better final product than any drop-in bulb with no heatsink.
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I had Gene (Malkoff) modify a 2D mag for me before he offered his dropins and I'm very impressed with it. I haven't heard any complaints about his dropins except for availability (seems they sell out almost as soon as he puts them up on his site).
Yup, the easiest route would be just to go with the Terralux SSCP4 2/3 cell drop in module that just came out. Otherwise building one yourself would allow you a better heatsinked mod. The best custom drop in you could buy at the moment would be the one by Malkoff Devices ( ).
Malkoff is sold out...they look sooooooo nice though!
Yup, the easiest route would be just to go with the Terralux SSCP4 2/3 cell drop in module that just came out.
I would strongly recommend not getting the Terralux Drop-In. In addition to not having a heatsink, actually draws MORE power than my micropuck-based flashlight, and it's not any brighter, just less efficient (which translates into running a lot hotter as there is no thermal sensor like the stock MagLED). Another option if you have a stock MagLED is to simply replace the Luxeon on there with a Seoul. It will double the brightness. That one at least has heat sensor so it will dim itself to keep from cooking itself. It is nice to still retain the cam focusing as well (with the custom builds, it's necessary to cut off the cam from the reflector, so focusing requires more turns)
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If you can't get ahold of a malkoff, Id recommend the terralux seoul 3-6 cell light, not the 2 cell one as 2xtrinity said, and powering it to max voltage (9 volts). I have both these and I'd say thats approaching the malkoff, but of course has a way to go. Side by side with a malkoff, it has a smaller hotspot and the throw is not as good, but it's good. A 2d with a fivemega 2d-6aa adapter or the 1d to 3aa adapters from litemania do the trick. I have the terralux in a 2C,with 3 cr123's using heater hose and it works great and it's small. I know theres the worry of 3 lithiums together, but stepping out of the house in the morning is a risk too.
hey Kid... I have the Terralux Drop-In and love its output! I can't speak for runtime or durability but it is bright!! (in a 4 D-Cell M@g)

Hey Guys,

I haven't seen any reviews for a Seoul drop in for a mag lite.

Can anyone make a recommendation.??
I would need one for a 2D and 2C mag.

I would strongly recommend not getting the Terralux Drop-In. In addition to not having a heatsink, actually draws MORE power than my micropuck-based flashlight, and it's not any brighter, just less efficient (which translates into running a lot hotter as there is no thermal sensor like the stock MagLED). Another option if you have a stock MagLED is to simply replace the Luxeon on there with a Seoul. It will double the brightness. That one at least has heat sensor so it will dim itself to keep from cooking itself. It is nice to still retain the cam focusing as well (with the custom builds, it's necessary to cut off the cam from the reflector, so focusing requires more turns)

Possible heat problems aside, the Terralux is still the easiest 2 cell SSP4 Mag drop in you could buy. Yes, swapping out the LuxIII on a MagLED module would work better, but that means you have to do some modding. I figure that if you're going to do some modding, you mine as well do a full mod with an O-sink, driver (micropuck) and bare SSCP4 emitter instead of half-assing it by swapping out the LuxIII on a MagLED module.

From what has been discussed in these forums already, the 3-6 Cell Terralux dropin is optimized for 4 cells where it supposedly sends around 550mA to the emitter. I have one in my 4 Cell Mag and it's pretty bright, but my Malkoff Devices 3 Cell Mag is noticeably brighter given that it is extremely well heatsinked and sends 1000mA to the emitter. He used to do a 2 Cell version that sends 1000mA to the emitter, but the current drop in sends 700mA (I think, or 800mA) to the emitter. I think he working to improve it and he's got it working in a 4 Cell Mag now (that sends 1100mA to the emitter).

Gene's drop in is in high demand at the moment. And seeing how he's a one man show, he can only do so many at a given time. The good news is that he will be able to crank out more in a month or so as he is getting the metal part of his drop in machined, which will cut down his build time significantly. If you can hold on for about month, you'll should be able to get a hold of one much easier than it is now.

So many choices though for what you can do with Mags and I for one am glad that there is...

I had a terralux, it was a pretty cool drop-in, no complaints here. If you're silling to wait, Gene tells me he should have 100 heatsinks on july 5th, and he should have plenty of drop-ins shortly after that.
Having modded one MAGLED module (remember to isolate the SSC emitter base!) I would have to say the using an O-Sink or LiteMania heatsink with a Micropuck takes less skill. I really found the Magled surgery tricky.
Can't claim to have ever used a micropuck. But I do remember seeing a thread somewhere about using a pair and getting more like 800-900 mA.
And there are other ways, of course, to up current.

Another simple mod, if you have an old Luxeon Terrlaux piece for the maglite and a Seoul led, is to simply remove the Lux and solder back the Seoul while remembering to isolate its base. Gives about the same as what's now sold.

However, to me (I have three Malkoffs- a pair of drop ins and a 3D), the 1 amp Seoul puts out enough to call for a reflector with more spill. The main difference between a 500 mA and a 1A Seoul in a maglite is the throw at distances beyond 100' and that is NOT the most important thing for most regular users. (Try loaning a bunch of your lights to a friend and see what ones he picks- you'll see that narrow pencil beam isn't first choice for most. And as many regulars here will attest, low settings on lights with choices tend to get the most use).
Actually I find that the emitting pattern of the SSCP4 still gives a bigger hotspot than a Luxeon. When I compare Mag mods between a Luxeon and a SSCP4, the Luxeon has a tighter hotspot. With that said, even running a SSCP4 with a stock reflector at 500mA (Micropuck) gives a good amount of spill I think. Sure a textured reflector does make a difference, but I personally prefer not to take anything off the throw...
I snagged a Malkoff last week, and it took maybe 2 minutes to put in place, with no effort. My prior experience: put together one M@g 85 about three weeks ago. I'm no expert.

The Malkoff led is eye-searing bright, and I use the flood reflector: it lights up a room and about 40 feet or more into the back yard like a flood light. For this price, you get an emitter that will last a long time, runs on alkaline batteries (or rechargeables if desired), and needs no fancy maintenance. Use the smooth reflector for max throw -- about one half minute to exchange from one to the other.

If you want a hint on how to get one: go to his website, mentioned above several times, and register for the email notices of when the drop-ins are available. He will soon have a more efficient way to get the heatsinks to increase production. Right now each is hand numbered.
