SF 123\'s Save The Party......
I was at a birthday party today for my friend's 5 year old daughter. It was at an expensive professional kids-party place.
As the party kicked off the hostess' camera DIED. Dead battery. There would be no photos to remember the party. I quietly inquired as to what type of battery the camera needed and was told "I have no idea".
So, I took a look. The battery compartment door on this camera, of course, was held in place by a tiny Phillips-head screw---just to make battery changes "in the field" as difficult as possible. Fortunately, I had my Leatherman Wave with me and guess what........
it took a pair of 123's. I pulled out the spare pair of SF123's for my EDC and dropped them in. The camera was back taking pictures in under 2 minutes.
My friend was amazed. "Why in the world do you carry extra CAMERA batteries with you", he asked.---Marc
I was at a birthday party today for my friend's 5 year old daughter. It was at an expensive professional kids-party place.
As the party kicked off the hostess' camera DIED. Dead battery. There would be no photos to remember the party. I quietly inquired as to what type of battery the camera needed and was told "I have no idea".
So, I took a look. The battery compartment door on this camera, of course, was held in place by a tiny Phillips-head screw---just to make battery changes "in the field" as difficult as possible. Fortunately, I had my Leatherman Wave with me and guess what........
it took a pair of 123's. I pulled out the spare pair of SF123's for my EDC and dropped them in. The camera was back taking pictures in under 2 minutes.
My friend was amazed. "Why in the world do you carry extra CAMERA batteries with you", he asked.---Marc