SF 123's Save The Party......


Sep 5, 2002
Northern NJ, USA
SF 123\'s Save The Party......

I was at a birthday party today for my friend's 5 year old daughter. It was at an expensive professional kids-party place.
As the party kicked off the hostess' camera DIED. Dead battery. There would be no photos to remember the party. I quietly inquired as to what type of battery the camera needed and was told "I have no idea".
So, I took a look. The battery compartment door on this camera, of course, was held in place by a tiny Phillips-head screw---just to make battery changes "in the field" as difficult as possible. Fortunately, I had my Leatherman Wave with me and guess what........
it took a pair of 123's. I pulled out the spare pair of SF123's for my EDC and dropped them in. The camera was back taking pictures in under 2 minutes.

My friend was amazed. "Why in the world do you carry extra CAMERA batteries with you", he asked.---Marc
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Yaaay for the "extra camera batteries", now if you could get the photographer to carry a set of "extra flashlight batteries"!!
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Quick! Somone tell Duracell...then they'll SURELY start making these by the billions and sell them as cheap as AAs....
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Did you charge the hostess for those batteries?
Surely their 5yr old's bday is worth at least $50 a piece...
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Originally posted by Sigman:
Yaaay for the "extra camera batteries", now if you could get the photographer to carry a set of "extra flashlight batteries"!!
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This Photographer does!
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Originally posted by Onyx:
Did you charge the hostess for those batteries?
Surely their 5yr old's bday is worth at least $50 a piece...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Onyx---Actually I specifically told her NOT to buy me replacements. CPF members know how to buy 123's around $2 each. She would have gone to Radio Shack and paid $5+ for each.---Marc
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Since when did Radio Shack reduce their price from $10 to $5 each???

The main battery companies market the 123s as Photo batteries, so they can charge a Premium Price. Eveready does this with the lithium AA also.
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

Heck, get them for $0.50 each. Of course you have to split a 223 pack.
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......


you can get them for around $0.50 if you split 223 batteries. 223's can be found alot cheaper. here is a link to help, but i find myself that its easier to just split them by cutting the bootom off w/a razor knife then pulling them out w/a pair of needle nose

Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

in singapore its about $7 for one at camera shops, which is about US$4.
Re: SF 123\'s Save The Party......

I've done the same on two occaisions when my sister's camera and father-in-law's camera died.

Of course, then I was also able to gloat that if they hadn't sold out to the Madison Avenue marketing crowd and their system of planned obsolescence and had any appreciation for vintage equipment like my old mechanical rangefinder, they wouldn't need batteries in the first place...