SF Bay area BBQ lunch - Date changed

Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

Damn, no chance it could be 8/1/08? I'll be there for work and would love to join you all.
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

I know exactly the location, but man alive! I up here in the Evergreen State now. . .

Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

Good idea Jim, it's been awhile since the bay area bunch got together. Unfortunately for me I'll be in Reno that day. Hope I can catch the next one. :party:
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

I'd like to make it to some of these Jim, but work eats my days. Any chance of a weekend jaunt? I have some stuff to show and some questions to ask :)
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

I just got back from a 10 day cruise (got married :D ) and am hammered at work trying to catch up, so I am going to have to pass this time.

Maybe once I get caught up and get the house in order I'll see if I can get permission from the wifey to have a weekend get together over at my house again. I haven't done that for ages.

Have fun and don't eat too much.
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

Due to the large number of "can't attend" messages", now including modamag, we are postponing the lunch till next Thursday, August 7 - same place. same time.
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

Due to the large number of "can't attend" messages", now including modamag, we are postponing the lunch till next Thursday, August 7 - same place. same time.
Sorry again Jim, that's the day I'm driving from Cameron Park to a campground in South Lake Tahoe, and after that it's on to Oxnard. I don't think I'll be back in the bay area again until sometime in September. :shrug:
Re: SF Bay area BBQ lunch

Anyone got a Surefire 6P that I can loan for a month?
Got a project that needs one.
Reminder, just 2 more days till lunch.
what? no pictures of Jim's new acquisitions? Hope you guys had fun, and sorry I couldn't make it down. We will definately have to get a Saturday get together going again sometime.
Sorry could not make it.....
Would have loved to meet more flashoholies

lets see some group shots dangit.....

Hey shedevil hope you have fun in tahoe
Sorry I missed you too lowbat
Long time no see

Hope to be able to see you guy/gals again soon!