SF Bay Area Mongolian BBQ Lunch


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
San Jose, CA
It's over a month since Christmas, and flashaholics have had a little time to add new items to their toy collections. We want to see what you've been using to feed your addiction, so this is a call for a show and tell lunch.

The place:
El Camino Mongolian BBQ
(408) 241-2413

3380 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051

For those of you that have not had lunch with us here before, let me tell you this is one of the friendliest restaurants in the Bay Area. The food is great, and the owners always express an interest in our flashlight show/display. This is definitely a flashaholic friendly place.

Date: Thursday, Feb 14, 2008

Time: 11:45 If you show up any later, you will just have a much longer line to wait in.

Please make a post here so we know how big a table to get - the place fills up quickly after 11:45.


Attendee List:
Gadget_lover + 1
Nightowl + 1
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Yegads, you picked Valentine's day!?!

Are you *trying* to get me castrated??

Anyhow, she doesn't get home til 4:30. I'm in if I can get time off of work. Will update tomorrow...
Yegads, you picked Valentine's day!?!

Are you *trying* to get me castrated??
On the contrary, I'm trying to save you from getting castrated. :nana:

The date was picked on purpose to save all you misguided souls who think they can cheap out by taking their sweetie to lunch.

There's nothing romantic about lunch. Please keep your love life alive and pop the extra scheckles for a romantic dinner :devil:
For those of you who absolutely must take your sweetie to lunch on Valentines day, bring her along. That way you can prove that there are actually people who are crazier than you are.
Heck, next to the rest of us you will appear almost normal
For those of you who absolutely must take your sweetie to lunch on Valentines day, bring her along. That way you can prove that there are actually people who are crazier than you are.
Heck, next to the rest of us you will appear almost normal
I'm right at the corner of El Camino & San Tomas right now...but I can't make it for Valentine's Day. Hopefully there will be another get-together in the area on another day, preferably one that doesn't coincide with a major holiday.
We actually don't do dinner on Valentine's Day, traditionally. Well, we do, but we keep it at home. Trying to get a table on Valentine's Day is hell, and neither one of us enjoy crowds.

We keep it at home, and usually make the next weekend night a "night out"

BTW, I'm definitely in. Finagled the time off today. Boy, do I have a super sweet light to show you guys...
I popped a link on EDCForums about the get-together. Had one bite, but he/she isn't registered here and wants to see lights and knives and stuff...

So I guess that's another showing up...possibly. I don't the know the responder personally :)
Hey, Daniel - long time, no see. I'm glad you can make it. It will be good to see you again also.
For those of you who absolutely must take your sweetie to lunch on Valentines day, bring her along. That way you can prove that there are actually people who are crazier than you are.
Heck, next to the rest of us you will appear almost normal

Well Sweetie, I cant make it to lunch that day but I have Weedle bringing you a "special Valentines"