SF E1B Backup different color tint.


Newly Enlightened
May 13, 2008
I bought SF E1B and i very like it but one thing is annoying, it has slightly different color tint in the center of spill, difficult to describe the color, looks like light brown-green. Is it normal? I also have E2L, E2DL and the have good flat color in the spill.
It's normal. Annoying, but normal. If it really bothers your or affects the light's performance, you may be able to send it back to the dealer.
It's normal. Annoying, but normal. If it really bothers your or affects the light's performance, you may be able to send it back to the dealer.

Your kidding me right? Why haven't I got a brown-green tint on my E1B?
aleksios, It's definitely not normal. Read through some of the reviews here on CPF, a lot of owners are happy with their tint on their E1B. Definitely get in touch with SF, brown-green is not normal.
Your kidding me right? Why haven't I got a brown-green tint on my E1B?

Because tint varies from emitter to emitter, even within the same tint bin . Surefire probably buys large quantities of emitters and it's difficult to sort through them all. Even if they did, who's to say what the perfect tint is? Some prefer cool, others warm, and some people even like a green tint. Unless you buy from a company which can guarantee that the tint will be within certain parameters, you're playing a lottery. I'm not saying the light is perfect and that the OP should get used to it, I'm just saying that the light is not broken.
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Because tint varies from emitter to emitter, even within the same tint bin . Surefire probably buys large quantities of emitters and it's difficult to sort through them all. Even if they did, who's to say what the perfect tint is? Some prefer cool, others warm, and some people even like a green tint. Unless you buy from a company which can guarantee that the tint will be within certain parameters, you're playing a lottery. I'm not saying the light is perfect and that the OP should get used to it, I'm just saying that the light is not broken.

No, it isnt broken, but you buy a light expecting it to have a white beam, a green beam or brown or pink isnt acceptable IMHO. The saving grace of the E1B is the tint, there aren't many reports of bad tint here on CPF. You do play the tint lottery with Lux's and previous emitters. SF does have QC, I'm just wondering if it's been fully utilised. There is a reason SF sell filters, if you want a green beam, or blue, or ......
The name for the E1B is E1B-BK-WH, not E1B-BK-GR. (from SureFire's website).
I have the same problem, I really like my E1B, I had to "make due" with the tint that i got, though i wish it was better
Surefire's QC doesn't, or perhaps can't, guarantee tint. I remember the Lux V lights having a problem with this as well. It is my guess that the majority of SF's customer base just doesn't care enough to effect the manufacturing process. Aleksios, from which dealer did you buy the light? They may be willing to exchange it.
Thanks for your reply. It is not so noticeable in general use, I can live with that. I bought on ebay because I have to pay almost double price at local store in Russia.
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After hearing all the rave reviews here for the E1B I followed a lead on another thread and ordered one from Paragon Sports for $110 delivered. It came in two days via UPS ground.

Ouch, looks like I lost the tint lottery big time. This light is green on the high level, even greener on the low setting. The only light I've seen that even comes close was an early Cree Fenix P1D.

I tried a RCR123 and got the slow strobing reported elsewhere.

I've got dozens of LED lights including maybe ten SF's but this one is the worst in tint. A U2A I bought recently is at the other end of the spectrum (metaphorically speaking), it has a terrific white tint.

Well, I've learned my lesson, no more SF's for me.

But, then again, maybe I should order another E1B and see if it is better, I can always give this one away...:)
If you are unhappy with the tint of your Surefire, call them, tell them the tint is too green/brown for your liking, and they will give you an RMA number and instruct you to send it back. I was unhappy with the tint on my E2DL (it was too green), and after calling them and explaining it, they had me send it back. Less than three weeks later, I got the light back with a perfect tint, and MUCH brighter too.

Give Surefire a chance to make it right. You'll be happier in the end.
Thanks for the tip, I might give it a try. I know SF doesn't list tint in the specs so the light isn't really defective. Still, as you point out, I would be much happier if I did a swap. The couple of occasions I've used SF customer support they've been great.

I promise myself not to buy another SF until at least next month, it's the 27th.:)

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