SF G2 and drop in module question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2001
St. Pete, Fl.
Friend of mine at work got a SF G2. He bought a Q5 led drop in off ebay.
Well it wasn't an exact fit, but I expected that. We removed the spring and had to screw the pill out a little to get it to make contact. will ahve to get an o-ring to act as a spacer later.

Now when I was installing it and getting it adjusted to fit I touched the spring in the center (positive contact) and it was HOT! Ouch.

Then when I got it up and running the body of the light was very warm. I let it all cool off and tried it again an hour later and it didn't seem to heat up quickly as I thought it would. Seemed to be running normally, compared to mine, but I have a Dereelight module in mine.
He has one of those $20 jobbies, so will it heat up more than the one I have?
Is all this normal? Any ideas about the heat on the pill and light itself? I worry about any danger to the user from the heat.
like I said it didn't seem any different from when the ican LA is used. I left the light on for a few minutes.
Oh the user will be fine.

The $20 drop-in will die shortly from cooking it'self in that Nitrolon G2.
Nitrolon is tough and fantastic but when it comes to high powered LED's it isn't very good at transferring heat away. It actually traps it in there! So he needs a metal host or at least a metal bezel.