SF L1: How many generations?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2006
Mayo, FL
Hi everybody !!
It's been a while since I've posted. I'm having a relapse, and the rush feels good.
Anyway, just wondering how many generations of the L1 have there been?
Does anyone have a photo of them all? Was the first one made around 2004? I have the one with optics that was featured in the 2004 Catalogue, not that any of you still have those.:)
One last question: Did SF start using the 3 watt while they still had the old optics?

Thanks, you guys !!
(Is there anyone else out there who starts shaking when the mailman drives up with a new flashlight for you ?!)
There's 3 MAIN generations with a few differences in each one.

1. The floody original one

2. The TIR optic narrow beam old one

3. The new CREE one

Yes, i know there's the 3 and 4 sided tir's the different bodies, but for actual use im saying 3.
ScottAW is right. You can slice and dice the main versions, but that's getting more to collector-level information. Runtimes on v1 and v2 are approximately the same (not exactly the same - search old threads) but the v1 is all flood and v2 is almost pure spot. The v3 lost a lot of runtime but got a great combo spot/spill beam and a genuinely bright high level.
According to the above mentioned milky post, i have a 2nd gen, scalloped head, nx-05, and i would call it floody. It does have a bit of a hotspot, and a bunch of rings, but it's a fairly even amount of light across the beam. And compared to the TIR optic, OH YEA is it floody.

But it's all a moot point, my L1 is about to be an ML-1.