SF M6 or Black Bear Borealis 1050

As seems so often to be the case, it really depends on your use. Both are pretty great lights, and can be amazingly well suited to the right task.
SF M6, Better Anodizing, Easier to get a hold of the LA's for it, Doesn't look like a Mag. Uses 123's which is more convenient if your like me and have alot of 123A powered lights. It does put out less lumens but i'm slightly puzzled on why your making this huge of a jump from either 250/500 and 1050. You didn't list a use for it so the other light might be better for your situation.
Maybe tell us first why you are choosing between them?

I'm just looking for something really bright, in a size no larger than the Borealis host. Something to reach out across the pasture at night. I kinda like Surefires, so it follows that at some point I must have an M6, but the Borealis intrigues me. Looks like an innocent Maglite but briiiiiggggghhhhhhttttttt. Just looking for some feedback so I don't have to buy both, right now anyway. 😗

I'd get the Borealis - you want throw - this will have it! You can also change the reflectors easily from smooth (lots of throw) to stippled (more spread out beam) - also in terms of cost the Borealis will be cheaper - both in start up costs and future - as the Borealis's battery pack can be recharged... Where as the M6's can't (well it can but they are damn hard to get) also in terms of runtime - M6 = 500lumens for 20mins, Borealis = 1000ish lumens for 30-35mins.... I would go the Borealis! PS. I have a Mag85 (basically the same as the Borealis) for sale - PM me for details!
If you just want light for the hell of it, the Borealis is brighter.

If you have a practical use for that much light, as I do, then I can tell you that after 12 months of use, the Borealis is a really well-built light. I have used it in all kinds of situations and I RELY ON IT.

If what you want is a SureFire, then the Borealis may well not have the mystique you desire.
If you have a practical use for that much light, as I do, then I can tell you that after 12 months of use, the Borealis is a really well-built light. I have used it in all kinds of situations and I RELY ON IT.
Of course it's reliable; at heart it's a Mag. People have been beating the hell out of Mags for longer than Surefires and they still work.
Lithiums have the advantage that they can sit around for a long time without the need to be topped off.

Then again, mag85s and other mag hotwires have been around for a long time and are great too.

You could also look into some of the new AW hotdriver lights with rechargeable lithium batteries.