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Shasta Owners: Pls. Advise re: N cells


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by AFAustin on 9-11-07, HERE.

I just acquired a beautiful little brass Shasta from Troy (AWTYD), and am in a bit of a quandry regarding the required N cells. I understand that 2/3 AAAs can also be used.

I would prefer a cell option other than an expensive and poor performing alkie N cell. What do other Shasta owners use---a NiMH cell or maybe a primary lithium? I've found a few of the former on the web, but not sure if I can charge them on a normal AA/AAA NiMH charger, and if so, how to most easily (non-technical guy here) rig the needed spacer. I haven't been able to locate any primary lithiums in this size, but that might be a good alternative, if they exist and the cost is reasonable.

So, Shasta owners, what are your "N cell solutions"?

Thanks for any guidance.
Copied Replies:

arty09-11-2007 05:03 PM
Re: Shasta Owners: Pls. Advise re: N cells

I have a Shasta with a single LED and run it on an N cell. It goes and goes and keeps on putting out light.

I don't think that the N cell would work too well if running a Baltic, because output of the LED and drain would be much greater.

If you have a single LED Shasta, you might consider buying the N cells online while making another purchase. I recall getting them pretty inexpensively that way.

AFAustin09-11-2007 08:22 PMRe: Shasta Owners: Pls. Advise re: N cells


Thanks for your reply. I have the 3 LED HP Shasta, so I guess it would eat up the alkie N cells a little faster.

I hope to have a little more info. on some alternatives soon, and I'll post it here.

In the meantime, I'd still appreciate any addl. info./ideas from Shasta owners or others in the know.

Well, I set out to research this and hope I've come up with a pretty good solution. I bought some Kan 400 mAh 2/3 AAA NiMH cells from CheapBatteryPacks.com: http://www.cheapbatterypacks.com/main.asp?sid=835849&pgid=loosecells&chem=NIMH

They are cheap, indeed: $1.25/ea. ($5 min. order) + $3.50 shipping. Total of $8.50 shipped for 4 cells. I PM'd Tom (SilverFox), who was helpful as always, and he thought I'd probably be OK charging them in my little eneloop charger [output listed as "380mAx2(AAA)"], as long as I made sure they weren't getting too hot. I've charged them a few times now and they didn't overheat, and charged up fine to around 1.38v right off the charger. I haven't yet come up with a very elegant spacer, but a little ball of aluminum foil has been a temporary solution.

Hope this is helpful to any Shasta fans out there who'd like a rechargeable alternative to an alkie N cell.
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