Sheep gives birth to human-faced lamb (lol)

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 21, 2008
West Tn
I'm not real sure. My fiance got a forward that I'm sure others have gotten by now. Apparently in turkey a lamb was born with human facial features.

Do a google search, I won't believe it until it's on National Geographic. However, here is one website just so you can see what "they" are saying.

Authentic or not, I laughed.

Linky Linky
I saw his cousin at the midway at the fair. The amazing Llama Woman. Body of a beautiful woman, head of a hideous llama. :D

I seen it. it was disturbing....
Looks like Uday.
possibly a genetic experiment gone wrong.. if the Uday/sheep had survived it would have lead Iraq to Olympic high hurdle victory..
I saw his cousin at the midway at the fair. The amazing Llama Woman. Body of a beautiful woman, head of a hideous llama. :D

I seen it. it was disturbing....

Let me guess. It had the body of Dolly Pardon and the head of a llama. Was it called the Dolly Llama?

To respond to the OP, I have heard of a similar thing with another animal born dead that could best be described as a faun. In my opinion, I think it's just another case of animal lovers going too far. Either that, or a scientist messing with genetics experiments.
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Let me guess. It had the body of Dolly Pardon and the head of a llama. Was it called the Dolly Llama?

To respond to the OP, I have heard of a similar thing with another animal born dead that could best be described as a faun. In my opinion, I think it's just another case of animal lovers going too far. Either that, or a scientist messing with genetics experiments.

Either that or some hadji was a 'bbbbaaaaaaaddddddddd boy'!!!!:eek:
From what I remember from Biology class there is 0% chance of any offspring resulting from an union between a human and any animal.The genes simply would not match up.

Although,come to think of it,a lot of these births are reported in the province of Saskatchewan.:devil:
Haha, Fox News never fails to have the most hilarious information mixups!

I wonder what their sources are, it's as if they are playing a game of "telephone" here.

As for the lamb... that is quite odd, but I can't claim to know anything about how genes works.
Haha, Fox News never fails to have the most hilarious information mixups!

I wonder what their sources are, it's as if they are playing a game of "telephone" here.

Here is the original Pravda story:

The governor of the province where the ugly goat was born said that the little goat was the fruit of unnatural relationship between the female goat and a man.
"This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing," he reportedly said. "The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control. We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features," he added.
Here is the original Pravda story:

The governor of the province where the ugly goat was born said that the little goat was the fruit of unnatural relationship between the female goat and a man.
"This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing," he reportedly said. "The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control. We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features," he added.

I don't know what is most bizarre, the original Pravda story, the commentaries made by and about Cleveland, Ohio residents (since they are served by that Fox8 local), the followup link at the bottom of the Pravda page--"Also read: Dog Gives Birth to Mutant Puppy That Resembles Human Being (PHOTOS)." or the photo linked to the left of the Pravda article showing Lincoln being shot on a $5 bill titled "Boom Headshot"
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..Andreas is correct, genetically it couldn't happen between a goat and a human...or a cat and a rabbit for that matter.. ( did you hear about the "cabbit" ?? It looked like a cat, lived, grew, and hopped everywhere with it's hind feet in unision - there is video..)

..we can't even tell if the 'eyes' or 'nose' are functional or just ridges and shadows that appear to be a face but are really just like that 'face' on the moon..
"pravda" translated means "truth".

so it must be true.. especially after they cremated the evidence instead of letting scientists study it.

but: mutations happen.

As anyone from the former Soviet Union can tell you, Pravda is the biggest propaganda rag in the entire world. If it wasn't 1am here in NYC, I'd wake up my elderly dad and have him confirm it.

If the truth ever walked into their offices, it would instantly be stomped to death. :thumbsdow
From what I remember from Biology class there is 0% chance of any offspring resulting from an union between a human and any animal.The genes simply would not match up.

Although,come to think of it,a lot of these births are reported in the province of Saskatchewan.:devil:

Are you talking about Big Foot?
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