Shoes Thrown at President Bush

Whee! Shoe flinging action. I can not believe he was able to toss the second one! He wouldn't have if I was near.

Funny and not funny at the same time. I bet that dude is hurtin' right now, in the vid you can hear his little yelps of pain! The shoe thing is a huge insult for them.

I love how you can hear Bush say "No I'm all right" to that guy that runs up.
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In 2003 when Saddam Hussein was overthrown, US Marines knocked down a statue of Saddam. After it fell to the ground, bystanders started pelting it with their shoes and stomping it on the head- a huge sign of disrespect in Arab culture.

The fact that it was happening to Bush is... well... I'll leave it up to you on "why" it happened.:devil:
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Guy is a dumbass, if you are going to throw your shoe at someone don't yell and draw their attention first.
Regardless of what our political beliefs are, he is still the President of our country. For this act to happen is certainly unacceptable.
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Regardless of what are political beliefs are, he is still the President of our country. For this act to happen is certainly unacceptable.

It was in Bagdad, I don't think they care if he's your president or not.
Imagine the media frenzy if the shoe actually had hit it's mark! It would be the talk in comedy shows for the rest of his term.
I'm actually most surprised at how fast Bush's reflexes are - he is quick!
He did move quick! I think he made a wise choice in not letting his bodyguard take him away, would have been seen as coward to the iraquis IMO.
Eh, Bush had it coming.:naughty: I'm surprised he didn't call it "terrorism".:laughing:

I started another thread about throwing things, so now I really know what Muntadar al-Zaidi should've thrown at Bush...

...a delicious XX-Large Pepperoni, Olive, Pineapple Stuffed-Crust Deep-dish Pizza!

Act now and he'll get an extra order of Chicken Wings!:crackup:
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Re: George Bush VS A GOLD SHOE!!

It does not translate very well at all, but this is a big insult for an Iraqi. It's like "the finger" but much worse.
Re: George Bush VS A GOLD SHOE!!

Imagine that, your driving your car on the highway and some guy cuts right in front of you :rant:and instead of giving him the finger you throw your bapes at him.LMAO!!!!!!!!111!!
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Re: George Bush VS A GOLD SHOE!!

Remember when the big Saddam statue was torn down? The Iraqi citizens hit it with their shoes. It was on the news.
He should have caught it, and threw it back...

Sadly it's been awhile since we've had a President that would do something like that.

I'm surprised Bush didn't immediately arrange for a conference call with his Cabinet in order to come up with an "appropriate response" to the shoe flinging. :rolleyes:
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