Should I Get my Parents a Romisen RC-K4


Dec 20, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
I've been thinking of getting my parents a Romisen RC-K4 for as a general purpose torch for them to use around the house etc. My Dad currently has an Eveready Incan torch which is ok but quite old and runs on 3 D cell type batts. I was looking at some Romisens availabe on Ebay Australia for approx $40. How would you rate this torch, is it good and would you reccomend it.
I think it may be direct drive as it does accept 3xAAA as well as 18650 and cr123s.
It is difficult to make a judgement without seeing the light but a RC-N3 with 2xAAs may be a better choice.
Hopefully someone that owns the light may be able to give a better response.
I am a bit concerned about the battery type this light takes. From experience, I know non flashlight folk prefer lights that take readily available batteries such as AA, C, D cells. Although you can use AAA batteries with this light, the weak point is the battery holder. If it is damaged or lost, the light will be useless unless there are the other battery types available to hand.

A better option is a 2 AA light such as Fenix.
A vote for the RC-N3 also,I have one and like it.Got mine at plus he ships to your country.
The main advantage of the RC-K4 is it can use many battery types. As your parents are unlikely to use 18650 or CR123A, it is pointless paying for the feature. The spring length is a compromise between the battery sizes and may not work too good with the shorter length after some use. Your parents are used to the long runtime of D cell lights. A 3AAA at 1 hour max may have too short a runtime.
For you the RC-K4 is fine.
For your parents NO.

Your parents may not be familiar with the tactical/surefire hold required for rear button lights. Suggesting looking at the side button RC-P3 2AA.

BTW check LOCATION of the item in ebay Australia. A lot of China/HK companies pretend they are Australian A$, American US$, British UK#. If location of the item is China or Hong Kong you might as well buy from DX.
My parents use my seoul 3D mag, for non light people they don't want to worry about batteries, and D cells would last quite a while so that's what I would recommnd, LED that use D cells.