Shouldn't it be Flashlightoholics?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2006
London, Ontario, Canada
Alcoholics - alcohol
Chocoholics - chocolate
Flashoholics - flashes?

Flashlightoholics - flashlights :)
or for the more refined how about flashlight enthusiasts? (my friends just call me crazy)
To respect your logic I think it should be flashlightolic but why not try to call it the U.K. way, that would be a torcholic. :whistle:

Wow! That sounds realy bad.
I think the logic for that went like this: flashlight fan gets intoxicated by flashahol, thus, flashaholic. :)
Oddjob said:
Alcoholics - alcohol
Chocoholics - chocolate
Flashoholics - flashes?

Flashlightoholics - flashlights :)
or for the more refined how about flashlight enthusiasts? (my friends just call me crazy)
There is a flaw to your logic, otherwise it would be Chocolatoholics instead of Chocoholics.




I think the reason we add "-ohol" in there so often is because the phrase "alcoholic" is so common and understandable.
We are talking Torchology here. to quote Beatty (UK in joke)
Drug addict = Druggie
Flashlight addict = Flashie ??

Torchaholic sounds more politically correct for us UK English folks :D
We realy are talking about torches rather than flashlights after all we see them run for many hours at a time, rather than a second :) So should we be called Torcics, Torchaholics, torchologists, photonics :)

Anyways, when i first saw the term Flashaholic the first image was that of a seedy looking person in a long dark coat.....

LEDCandle---- flashies ?!?!?!?! Here comes that seedy person in a long dark coat again!
Interestingly 'lumen' is the Latin for 'lamp'.

The word alcoholic, however, makes use of a redeployment of a suffix from words from psychiatry which have a Greek root such as paranoiic and schizophrenic. The greek for lamp is λαμπτήρας which as far as I can figure is pronounced 'lampteras' and since we're talking about lampheads then I think lampterophrenic is probably more strictly correct.

Latin-greek corruptions are not unknown so lumenic might be acceptable and is agreeably reminiscent of lunatic.

Flashlightoholic just will not do, there are too many syllables and no real sense of where the stresses should fall.

Flashaholic. There it is. We'll never get rid of it now.

If we start to go back to Latin, may I offer another suggestion more elegant than "torcholic".

What about lumenphiliac ?
From Latin lumem -light, philia -having an interest, a tendency, a liking and Greek akos -cure or even an abnormal appetite for...

Latin and Greek; I had no idea this addiction was so ancient.