Shouldn't this be brighter than the UDR dominator?

It is honestly hard to beat the UDR.

agree, enjoy your UDR!

here is a light you might also enjoy:

Acebeam L17 Green
820 meters throw
84 candela per lumen

Lux-Perpetua said:

Putting a larger/higher lumen LED in a small reflector is like putting a Mack truck diesel engine in a compact sports car to get more horse power. Forget lumens and look for cd/throw and beam patterns. Unfortunately lumens have become synonymous with brightness when candlepower/cd is more important (which is why flashlights used to be measured in candlepower instead of lumens). Flashlight manufactures are caught up in the lumen wars and keep putting bigger/higher lumen LEDs in their lights that actually reduce throw and perceived brightness to get higher lumen numbers. Lumens sell, even if they are phony/made up lumens. I have come to see high lumens as a negative. I like to have only enough lumens to get the beam distance and beam pattern that I want and no more.

Of course, dependability is key also - a light that is not utterly dependable is a toy.
Okay I really trust you jon. Since you mentioned Acebeam. This goes to xxo's comment and my feeling precisely. Acebeam has a very large light that is only 1375 lumens. It has throw of 1750 meters. It has over 300,000 candella. At least I am pretty sure it was Acebeam. I will check for sure certainly before I purchase it. It is only 300 bucks. My question to you jon, would you count on Acebeam even as a backup? See this is not fun or a hobby to me. I actually need this amount of illumination. The UDR is very important because I can almost bank my life on it to function. If I can get more throw it is welcome. It cannot break the second time though. Forget the 50 bucks. I would spend whatever it takes. The 50 bucks was just because of the stupid gift card. I think you can actually get way more than that Giggles now. You are right though. It is going to be a light with not many lumens. It will have a huge reflector. I enjoy pocket lights but I count on these land sweepers.
Yeah, even if one of these Chinese lights could out throw the Surefire you do not exactly throw that away. It is simply a better light. From the UI to a lot of reasons. The LED in it is the king of the hill. Every other light mostly uses a Cree. I do not understand how the lumens go down and the throw and candella go up? You would have think I had learned this stuff by now but nope. For one thing 500,000 lumen flashlights for 80 bucks is not even amusing. The problem is some poor kid buy's that. I will post a link to something in a bit for ya'll to check out. Tell me if this looks legit. Hold on a bit.

There is a much more powerful light but must order from China.

Check out this Acebeam:
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lumens go down and the throw and candella go up

correct, as the beam gets tighter and more focused, it throws farther :)

you are on the right track by comparing Throw specs..

I also look at weight specs. Note the UDR and K75 are 5 times heavier than the TK30.
There is also a huge price difference, the UDR costs 4 times more, and throws less, than the other two mentioned.

the UDR throw is 903 meters,
Weight with batteries 38 ounces

Fenix TK30 throw is 1200 meters
Weight with batteries: 7 Ounces

the Acebeam K75 throw is 2500 meters
Weight with batteries: 36 ounces
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As I mentioned, I am going to quit while I am ahead. there is no way that throws 2500 meters. It would need to be the size of a fire plug. Plus it would be a heck of a lot more than 300 bucks. If that could be done, surefire would do it. I sometimes come across these type of lights and like I mentioned a Hanko or Deadwood ETC. Can outdo them. We are talking 1.5x the throw of the UDR. No way. I just pointed it out. Unless you think that is actually legit? If you vouch for it, heck I will get one. AFAIK it is completely bogus. There is one that throws 3800 meters but have to order from China. It is a Thrunite. I really don't know what to believe anymore. I always just either go to the same custom makers or Surefire.
there is no way that throws 2500 meters. ... Plus it would be a heck of a lot more than 300 bucks. If that could be done, surefire would do it.

here is a review that verified the throw independently:

Acebeam K75 (Massive thrower and output, Luminus SBT-90 Gen2, 18650x4) Review ... Throw (Calculated) (m)2482.1 (99.3% of claim)

Love my UDR... have an Acebeam L17 and Fenix TK30 enroute. Looking forward to comparing the three. Dominator is a keeper. :D

congrats on having a range of options

I look forward to your impressions

UDR = 83
L17 = 114
K75 = 245
TK30 = 767 !!!! :thumbsup:
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Shows where talking uneducated will get you. That is amazing. Yes, the TK30 is cool but does not serve my purpose. I will try the K75 for a while and see if it proves reliable. So this thread had a very good purpose after all.
Shows where talking uneducated will get you. That is amazing. Yes, the TK30 is cool but does not serve my purpose. I will try the K75 for a while and see if it proves reliable. So this thread had a very good purpose after all.

At all you must take into account that this big throwers are all kind of unhandy. I an also owner of an UDR, it is a cool light, but big and unhandy, at least if you would like to EDC it.

Also you should take into account that this lights with >6000 Lumesn are getting hot and are often even more unhandy than the UDR.

If you only want a light with a long throw the LEP lights might be intersting. They have throw distances >1000m. But the beam is extremely focussed.
I attache the UDR to the saddle on my Horse. So it is no big deal. It is not like I am carrying it urban. Like I said, not only would I rather use it but it often works better than a shotgun. On a Bear. If someone was wondering, some of our Horses are highly trained.

I cannot find this K75. It is a Fenix? I thought it was an Acebeam but apparently it is not. Could someone please let me know what brand it is? I want to get one.

I got it. It is an Acebeam. $329 with Panasonic batteries. I will use it intensively for 3 months to test it's durability before I decide if I feel that I can count on it. Of course I will still carry the Surefire. If it gets as hot as a Hanko on turbo I would consider it no good. I am not uncomfortable with the heat but I feel the light just might be.
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Astrolux MF05! You can only get it from stores in China though. I am not giving $650 to a store in China via Paypal. Plus 3800 Meters is a bit of overkill once you factor in the size, heat and fans. Might as well get a spotlight. In fact it comes with a spotlight bracket. Some things are not what they are cracked up to be when you look at the big picture. That is a huge flashlight. If you can even call it that.
I started another thread, bad idea. Hopefully anyone has an opinion on this. The Imalent RT70 Vs. The SF UDR? The RT70 is certainly more convenient. Something is telling me $190 Chinese to $1370.00 American? The RT70 might be too good to be true? I do like the rotary UI but difficult to use with gloves. RT70 half the size and easy in light charging. It is either total BS or great sliced cake? Anyone care to answer? Thank you

I got the K75 for my big thrower. I just wondered if I could grab the RT70 and leave the UDR home? My life often counts on this. People have told me I have been lucky with SF. They say their reliability is pretty poor? If that is really true then the RT70 might actually be fair game. I have no clue. I really need advice if I should leave behind the UDR? I am not very comfortable with that. It does look very promising. I just do not want to get myself killed over a flashlight. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you again!

Edit: well I guess I lost the audience on this. Or I was a huge pest. Not sure which. I personally am not comfortable with $190 of Chinese replacing $1370.00 of American. Regardless of what it may be. I mean no insult to Chinese whatsoever. They are just not there yet. I do however think they are outstanding for the money. The K75 is great. In fact I do not think there is an American counterpart.

>>You know what? I had to do it. I got an RT70. However I did not wait 90 day's from Imalent. I know The very top management at Amazon. Yes, even him. So I got it the same day. Read my review as soon as they post it. You will know it is me :) I am very pleased with this. If you do not have $1400.00 do not fret. For a mere $190 indeed this can "sort" of replace the UDR. It comes darn close to my amazement. Barring it's quick failure this is worth every single penny of $190. On the other hand I would say at $1400 the UDR is nearly overpriced. This really impressed me. It throws even further than the UDR and it has 5x the spill. Plus the magnetic charging in the body is fast and nice. I give this a thumbs up. The k75 and Mf05 Which I have also obtained are "specialty lights". Just search lights for instance First Responders. The heads are much too large. The RT70 is the best balance of brightness to size there is. Otherwise it quickly gets too large. The joke is it is actually more powerful on a standard Cree and much smaller than the UDR! The UDR has a highly exotic emitter. However it is a few years old. A regular Cree has already surpassed it. Trust me. Unless you are a Fire Department Try the Imalent. I really like it. Plus I can use the switch with a glove. The rotary dial is pretty difficult with a glove. All in all I am impressed. I really thought i would think it was junk. I guess the Chinese Caught up.

I have to edit this again. Price independent the Dominator is still the better light. I do not read manuals, especially in chinese. So I did not know this until I found out. I already knew the UDR runs full power for 2 minutes then steps down to 50% with heat management. The RT70 runs full power 8 minutes then steps down 15% with heat management. Plus as i noted the RT70 puts out more light to begin with. In a smaller package yet. Nonetheless, it is just not the quality of the Surefire. If cost is an object the RT70 is obviously the better light. If cost is not an object get the Dominator. The Dominator is really for fire departments and such. I carry one because it is a very serious tool to me. Not everyone is in my position. I oversee thousands of perilous Acres. I actually got the Astrolux MF05 but I cannot really carry that on my horse. It is good to see what is going on from my cabin. It is absolutely huge.

Game over! The Imalent RT70 upon actual test only throws about 500 Meters. Oh well. Happy Chinese New Year!
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I figure I would bump this for the above or no one would ever see it. If you are not interested please kindly disregard. The point is the very last paragraph in the last post. >>.
I do not mean to start a flame war either. It is a very good flashlight. It is not a $1400.00 flashlight.