Side switch add-on for easer button finding?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 21, 2019
I have a Wowtac A4 which I really like. Only downside is the button isn't easy to locate in the dark by feel. I refuse to let it ruin the light for me.

I'm thinking of adhering something to the button, or around the button. Around the button would seem to help prevent accidental activation, with the button being recessed. Removable would be nice but not necessary.

My couple ideas were a washer around the button, or small rubber bumper on the button. Leaning toward silicone.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
you could cut a circle of grip tape like they use on skate boards and put that around it, should be really easy to feel in the dark.
It may be better to adhere a Dot on the opposite site of the tube the button is as when I grab my side button flashlgiht (Sofirn SP32) I tend to feel with my thumb on one side of the light and a finger on the other side of the light and roll it in my hand.
Try aligning the belt clip (if you have one) with the button or put the clip on opposite side of button.