Pots are more stable, stove is more stable, field expedient hole-making to the can, and the gasifier option. I used the term hobo stove to recognize what you wrote, without the grandstanding. It's ok if you don't want to buy this product. Is it that post #15 reflects a bitter need to sway others to avoid what you have deemed unnecessary? That is not welcome.
You remember we have chatted amiably via PM in the past. This dismissive pronouncement here is not as puerile/judgemental as your post on the Coronavirus thread declaring certain law enforcement officers 'should know better'. Perhaps you should consider less putdowns toward others. You may end up finding less use of the "Ignore Member" option on CPF as well. Thank you for your valuable service on your jobs, and hopefully you will do us a favor and not criticise mistakes made by our civil protectors. There are many fine members risking their lives for our safety.
I'm certain my blatant honesty will continue to get me into trouble. But I tell it like it is. See no need to sugar-coat things. All I did in my post above was state my opinion on this item. Genuinely don't see how you got the impression that I was grandstanding.
Also, bringing up something that was said in a completely different thread is rather poor form. If something I brought up in a different thread bothers you, which it seems it clearly does, feel free to mention your dissenting opinion either in
that topic. Or, you can PM me. As you've pointed out we've had a friendly conversation utilizing the PM system on CPF. I don't go out of my way to insult others. I simple state my honest opinions. That bothers some, and they take it personally. That's unfortunate.
What you see with me is not an online persona. I don't pretend to be reasonable to make myself look good in front of other members. Not saying you do that. But I did recently have to add another member onto that Ignore List because while he appeared to be reasonable in another thread when we disagreed about a point of reference, and I treated him with respect and courtesy. After our respectful back-and-forth was over, I got a very rude and vulgar PM from that same member who showed his true colors. I let him know that I was disappointed in his behavior. And mentioned that while I didn't think I was better than him, clearly I'm more mature. Haven't heard from that member since, and frankly I'm glad.
There are those on CPF who simply care about looking good in public, but it's a different story in private. I don't do that. Also, when such individuals reveal themselves to me, I have no issues using the "Ignore" feature as often as possible. Everyone who is on that list, absolutely
earned their way onto it. Again, if a comment I've made in a different thread bothers you; please feel free to bring it up there. Or, PM me and we can discuss it.
But that's all I'll say about it here as both of our posts are mainly off-topic.
To clarify, when I used the term "Hobo stove," it was not meant as any sort of derogatory comment. Simply a descriptive one. I've made and used them in the past. They work well. I also used to own Hobo knives in the past. (Again, solely a descriptive term.) I currently don't anymore, simply because a titanium utensil set is thinner and lighter in weight.