Sign Language for the deaf


Aug 14, 2004
Edmonton, Canada
Hi CPF members,

I recently had the intrest to learn sign languages for the deaf. I was wondering what kind of sign language for the deaf is more well known to most people as I did some research on wikipeida and found out multiple varieties of sign languages for the deaf. The SEE (Signing Exact English) seems like a good beginner level to start off with but I am not sure exactly how well known or wide spread it is in the community.

Could someone with experience give me advice, share your opinion, and your knowledge?

I'm no expert here, but I'd think that ASL (American Sign Language) would be more universal than any other - in north America anyway.

I agree. I took an introductory ASL course a while back and it was very interesting. The teacher was deaf so you really had to learn quickly. One thing you have to remember is that it is a language and it takes time to learn just like any other language. Have fun.
Hi CPF members,

I recently had the intrest to learn sign languages for the deaf. I was wondering what kind of sign language for the deaf is more well known to most people as I did some research on wikipeida and found out multiple varieties of sign languages for the deaf. The SEE (Signing Exact English) seems like a good beginner level to start off with but I am not sure exactly how well known or wide spread it is in the community.

Could someone with experience give me advice, share your opinion, and your knowledge?


ASL. If Seeing Exact English tries to do what the name implies it will not fly well in the deaf community.

The word "sign" should never have been put in ASL as it implies what SEE seems to want. It is first and formost a language and as different from English as German is. Probably more so. (In Germany, if I was not paying a lot of attention and overheard a conversation, I frequently got the idea thast if I paid a bit more attention I would be able to understand the conversation.)
Thank you for everyone's input. I am intrested to learn and i know its like learning a whole new world of language. I am a person who likes challenges and I am willing to slowly, but surely, learn.

Might research the net for some guides about ASL when I am free.