Simple 4 AA to D battery converter

I made a super cheap 2-4AA parallel adapter using a nylon threaded bolt a metal nut and two fender washers. I have it in my 1D energizer 1led lantern right now with 4 AA generic nimh cells
It was made to work on a D size mag running a P7 glued to a copper heat sink without electrical isolation between the LED and the heat sink.
Therefore the nut on the adapter is -ve terminal and the base the +ve.(this can be reversed by just reversing the battery set up)
Also, the maglite battery compartment was bored out to 34.5mm for the four eneloops AA to fit. They are series connected and on a full charge runs at 3.2 amps directly driven with a slow drop.

Materials and construction:
The discs are 34mm in diameter and 4mm in thickness.
The central brass rod is 5mm diameter.
The four stabilizing rods are stainless steel and 4mm in diameter.
The contacts are 0.3mm thickness brass sheet. Used a stanley aviation snip for the cutting work and a 3mm punch to get the circular emboss work done.

Since all the construction was done free hand its success lies in precision with measurements.

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