Small problem with a Wee NS


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Lake Como, Italy
I have a small but slightly annoying problem with my wife's Wee NS: every time I take out the battery for charging/replacing it the pill drops out of the body. This happens no matter how carefully I slip out the cell, the pill simply does not stay in its place. :rolleyes:

The problem is not very troubling but I am compelled to change the battery only on a well lit table with tweezers at hand to put back the pill. :eek:

I have thought of glueing the pill inside the body but I am afraid to harm the electrical connection. Any good piece of advice? :candle:
I put a tiny amount of epoxy on the corners of the board where it touches the case. I did it with a toothpick. Not so much that you can't take it out if you want to though.
I've always been careful to simply place the body reflector down and pick the battery out between thumb and finger nail. An advantage of not being a nail biter, I guess.
I've always been careful to simply place the body reflector down and pick the battery out between thumb and finger nail. An advantage of not being a nail biter, I guess.


If you happen to be a nail biter, this can be done with pliers as well.
Thank you all for the help. :)

As I said the pill really does not want to stay in place. Four drops of epoxy resin at the corners of the board seems to me the way to go in my case. :cool:
Let the pill come out. To put it back in just put the battery on a table set the pill on top and slide the case down over the top. Then slide to the edge of the table not letting the battery come out when you get to the edge, flip it over and put the base on. Not a problem and it won't stop you from changing out the different pills whenever you want.

I am an old feeble fingered (arthritis) klutz and I can do it fairly easily.
I made a sleeve on a lathe out of PEEK plastic to hold it in. This sleeve also takes some slop out of the battery compartment. The sleeve holds any pill in place and can be removed if desired.

I don't have the ability to post an image but I could e-mail some to anyone interested in making one for themselves. PM me if you wish.

Mark A.
I was intrigued by Mark A.'s solution and this is what I have done.

I cut from a PP file folder a strip of plastic 70 x 15 mm and I wound it loosely around the battery fastening it with a piece of tape.
This 'tube' along with the battery has been then inserted into the body of the Wee. The 'tube' is flush with it while the battery sticks out a bit as usual.
Now this widget keeps the pill in place while the cell can slip out of it without problems.

I made myself a 'Mark A. Tube' without a lathe... :cool:
:twothumbs Neat idea with the tube insert.
The Wee LE only normally falls out if it has been in & out s few times.
There is a small amount of solder on the ring which makes for an interference fit.
When the LE is disassembled the soft solder compresses & no longer holds the LE in place when the battery is removed.
This has no other effect other than the LE comes out to easy.

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