Small thrower


Newly Enlightened
Dec 21, 2020
Bourbon Country
Looking for a thrower along the size, and relative price, of my Nitecore P30, Catapult V6, and Olight M2x-UT Javelot, but would like one with a bit bigger hot spot. I'm not a big fan of the tint on my Javelot.

Greetings Grunt.. Check out Fireflies newly release T9R thrower. Offered with Osram 1.1, 2.1, SBT90.. My recommendation 1.1

Headlamps are plenty far and in between..
I like my ultra light weight Manker E03H, runs on AA rechargeable eneloops NiMH. IMO would be perfect for inside cabin helo (or any mil airlift) :welcome::thumbsup:

.. Manker E03H is Luminous SST-20 4000k NW Hi Cri.. I've heard no complaints about the tint :)
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Not sure it fits your criteria exactly, but I recently got a Convoy C8+ with the 1mm Osram CSLNM1.TG, and it throws like crazy, way more than anything else I own.
Or if you want a fatter hotspot there is the M21A version that runs on a 21700 and has the 2mm emitter.
Not sure it fits your criteria exactly, but I recently got a Convoy C8+ with the 1mm Osram CSLNM1.TG, and it throws like crazy, way more than anything else I own.
Or if you want a fatter hotspot there is the M21A version that runs on a 21700 and has the 2mm emitter.

Do you know how they compare with those I listed?
So the Olight M2x-UT Javelot has a CREE XP-L, the XP-L should make a decent sized hot spot, if you want bigger, a bigger LED is needed, however then you need a bigger reflector, but outputs have gone up sense the XP-L too.

The P30 uses a newer but similar XP-L Hi

The Catapult uses a XHP35

The Thrunite TN35 is old but maybe something like that but with a XHP35/50

The Ace beam K30 somehow uses a SBT-90 for only $159
I got a Lumintop GT Mini for Christmas. I got the XP-L Hi version. Surprisingly small 1x18650, great throw, neutral tint and a great UI. Good price-point too...
Imalent recently released a new UT-90?... with the SBT90.2 LED which looked interesting.

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