Smallest, most powerful, single mode?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2007
And Clicky?

I'd like:
- Under 3"
- Over 100 lumens (over 150 if possible)
- Clicky
- Single or dual mode (on/off, or high/low/off)
- Ideally $50 or less, but definitely not over $100
- Not a highly strange battery (AAA,CR123,CR2, only)

Runtime not such a big deal, but would like regulated. I would like a clicky, with just on-off, or ideally high-low-off.

Does anyone make a small Q5 clicky? Or something like a P1CE Q5? With a clicky?

Considering this:
KD 1AAA SCC U-bin SX0H Buckle Flashlight
120 lumens Length: 7.00cm
unfortunately it's a twisty and sold out at the moment

Fenix P1DCE Q5 max 180 lumens
great power, unfortunately it's a twisty and too many modes (hate multiple modes)

Fenix P1CE 90 lumens, twisty

I have been searching the forums a lot. Considered ARC (nice, but too weak), Orb Raw (great but weird batteries).

Suggestions please? TIA
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Thank you for the suggestion. That may work, but I'd still have the modes I don't want, and total would be around $110 for body plus P1DCE flashlight. It would be a very nice piece, but with functions I don't want and more than I wanted to spend. Still worth considering though. :)
I would avoid that Kaidomain Q5 light. You get what you pay for! And I dont think you want to waste your cash on a light that may or may not actually work when you need it to. :ohgeez:

Not sure if this Fenix fits your bill, but Fenix has a much better track record then the KD lights. And for $50 this one has excellent specs:

If the L2T v2 is too long for your needs the also have the L1T, but its max output is "only" 90lumens.
The single mode P1 is a different size diameter and threads than the multimode so the Leef body won't work on the single.
OLight T-20 is a 2X123a and the T-10 is a 1X123a

200+ lumens and 180+ lumens on high

yeah, you have a bunch of other modes but tighten the head and you only have the high beam on/off. You have to loosen the head then tighten it back to change the intensity, you're not going to do that accidentally.
I don't think there are any 1aa clickie lights that meet the under 3 inch requirement. In fact even the P2D is over 3 inches, besides having all those modes. I'm fond of my P1CE but I like twisties. A suitably modded Arc LS would do everything you want and be a heck of a fine light, but would cost way more than $50. Maybe an L2Tv2.0 could be fitted with a Nekomane 1x123 or 1xcr2 body, probably still not within the $50 limit but not too far above it. Or if you could find an original L2P modded with a Seoul, that would be even nicer.
I have this light from DX. It has a side clicky, a seoul led, and is great for inside work, because the seoul has a nice even wide hot spot. Strong with a 3.7 battery- nice with a 123.

Also- the Gree Cree from DX has a powerful throw, and is sturdier than most small lights. With a slightly bigger head and reflector, and heavier construction- it too is excellent.
It depends on what you need the light for.

If it doesn't need to be very tough, then the KD 1AAA light would be fine.

Clickie and Q5? Look at the P2D-CE Q5 at Fenix store, remember the 8% off coupon, "CPF8". It's a bit over 3 inch.

Considering this:
KD 1AAA SCC U-bin SX0H Buckle Flashlight
120 lumens Length: 7.00cm
unfortunately it's a twisty and sold out at the moment

This light is no where near 120 lumens. More like 50 lumens at best imo.
I have 3 of them and they are about 1/2 the brightness of Ultrafire C3 overall.

See my review for my own lux readings for this light.
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The P2D CE Premium IS very nice. The extra modes don't excite me, but if I can skip them then (just leave it on turbo all the time) then it will probably do nicely.

Wish it was smaller.
Well, there is a small CR2 Cree clickie light from Dealextreme, the Mini-Clicky 3W Cree. But no low mode.

For the P2D, you could use it as a two stage light. Keep the head tight for high and loosen the head for low, as long as you don't tap the tailcap, you would not change modes.
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I decided to buy the CREE CR2 mini clicky you mentioned. If it stinks, then I'll go for the Fenix.


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