As a newbie to hotwires, I decided to power my homebrew M@g85 with a set of Eneloops in a FM 9AA-3D holder.
When I first brought home the batteries, sure enough, they had enough stored power to light the 1185 for about 30 minutes.
I recharged them with the Tenergy Universal Smart Charger [for the 7.2-12V Battery Pack range], with the wires soldered properly to the FM connector, using the lower ma setting of 0.9A. It took about one hour to get a green light for the pack.
All went well the second round.
Then I recharged a third time, and the light ran for about 5 minutes.
I put four of the cells from the pack into a Mercury charger (500-800ma), and after 5 hours, the red light stayed on. Tried another 4 cells this morning, and had the same result. I have used this small charger to "top off" the original set of Eneloops, which took about 1 hour, and they keep my year old Mercury NiMH's running just fine. Does it just take a long time with this slow charger?
Unfortunately my DMM is not working so I can't check anything.
Any ideas about what is going on here? Is the Tenergy not so smart to pick up the signal from this pack? Are the Eneloops defective?
Guidance from the experienced members would be appreciated.
When I first brought home the batteries, sure enough, they had enough stored power to light the 1185 for about 30 minutes.
I recharged them with the Tenergy Universal Smart Charger [for the 7.2-12V Battery Pack range], with the wires soldered properly to the FM connector, using the lower ma setting of 0.9A. It took about one hour to get a green light for the pack.
All went well the second round.
Then I recharged a third time, and the light ran for about 5 minutes.
I put four of the cells from the pack into a Mercury charger (500-800ma), and after 5 hours, the red light stayed on. Tried another 4 cells this morning, and had the same result. I have used this small charger to "top off" the original set of Eneloops, which took about 1 hour, and they keep my year old Mercury NiMH's running just fine. Does it just take a long time with this slow charger?
Unfortunately my DMM is not working so I can't check anything.
Any ideas about what is going on here? Is the Tenergy not so smart to pick up the signal from this pack? Are the Eneloops defective?
Guidance from the experienced members would be appreciated.