Snowday Sunday (or an MC-E for all seasons)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 25, 2007
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
Woke up to this (hello spring!:nana:)

So what to do for indoors fun today?
How about supercharge a pocket rocket?


Yank out the R2 GD1000 and put on a nice 17670 RFYP tube and battery.
Brighter is better.... but tint is pimp. How about a nice MC-E 4B DD LE?


don't that look purrtty!
After about a half hour of trying different shims I wound up with a fairly good beam pattern. Will post some night shots later on. Right now gotta go shovel some Spingtime snow, gotta love Chicago weather.
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Re: Snowday Sunday

Here are some indoor shots
Manual setting of f2.8 at1/250 second

left to right at 4 feet:
MC-E 4B Griffin, DSWOI Mag, Q3 5A Dereelight P60.

Same order at 8 feet:

Subject lights

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Thanks Chip

here are some night shots.
L to R: MC-E, P7, Q3 5A, all shot at f4.7 and 1/60 second.

a different view, same order:

these two show color rendition differences, P7 DSWOI on left and MC-E 4B on right

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Very nice, great beamshots too! Really gives you a sense on how bright it is! :thumbsup: :wave:
Oh, I love the sping :)D)...!

But, Wootwoot...!!
No cross....!?

And what body is that?

Lovely beam..!
How long is it with that new body?

SPiffing looks...!
All those ribs........:thumbsup:
Unfortunately I can't take credit for that lovely body, it's not one of mine.:mecry:


So who done it?

It`s not a "ribbed" right?

Is it.....?

BTW, and I think most will agree with me, getyerarseingearandcutthatAL.......;):laughing:

WE NEED MORE GANP STUFF RIGHT.....................:devil:

Right, I`m all :tired: and will :poof: if I don`t get any :sleepy: ...
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Thanks everyone, the body is a DaFabricata "ribbed for your pleasure" 2x123 that I reamed out a bit to accommodate a 17670 cell. The MC-E is from Mudman CJ, he turned me on to the 4B tint. The Griffin remains one of my absolute favorite lights, this just shows how versatile this light really can be. The overall length with this tube is 5", still quite packetable. I ordered some AW IMR 16340 cells and when they get in I will try this combo going back to the original body.

By the way great to see you back on the board Collin, I hope your recuperation is going well we miss your always impressive creations.