So I have a generic political question for the class- Nothing divisive or Party Spec.

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Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
So as we move towards the next big elections, primaries and general I have to ask a question.

I really want to vote for the person who I really believe in. I don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils anymore and I really believe this is how the system should work. The problem I am wrestling with is that the fear is always that if one votes their beliefs they make get stuck with the greater of their (personal opinion) evils.

So when it comes time to vote again do I go with my heart or do I go with the lesser of two evils more likely to win as they will certainly be screwing me but maybe a bit less then the other.

I think I know my answer but I am just musing and wanted to know what others thoughts and this site has a pretty diverse membership in this regard.

DO NOT MAKE THIS THREAD ABOUT ONE PARTY VS. ANOTHER OR ONE PERSON VS. ANOTHER. That is not what I am getting at. I think everybody should vote, no matter if I agree with their choice or not, and this is simply about whether or not you vote with your heart vs. voting with your head so to speak. There are candidates on both sides of the isle who fall into what I believe are better ideals for the country, so this is NOT about specifics just general politics.

MODS if this is too touchy a subject for the CAFE, feel free to close.

Your thoughts? Whether you are from the United States are abroad, how do you approach your choices?
I never vote with concern about how my vote may undermine the candidate who I feel is the lesser of 2 evils and allow the one I most dislike to win.

For example. Let's say I dislike candidate A, and I dislike candidate B a little less than A. I really like candidate C even though there's little chance C might win and even more chance that B will loose because of the votes C might "take away" from B, therefore putting A in a win.

I vote on who I believe to be the best based on my opinion and analysis. To say that C "took votes away" from B is just bunk. In my mind B didn't earn my vote to begin with. I think that ploy is just a trick of the 2 major parties to keep indecisive people in line.

I think if more people voted with clear mind we'd change the landscape we're now face with, i.e. 2 parties with a stranglehold on the country.
I think we need to start voting for our first choices, rather than the lesser of two evils. If we always vote for the lesser of two evils, we'll always end up having two evils.

I recognize that this isn't exactly the popular belief, but I think if it was we'd all be a lot happier.
MODS if this is too touchy a subject for the CAFE, feel free to close.

Thank you. The Underground would be a good place for the topic if you indeed wish to discuss the matter with the CPF group.

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