social security question


Newly Enlightened
Jul 13, 2003
Harrisburg PA
say a 66 yr old man is collecting SS and he marries say a 47yr old woman who has never worked or worked only a very little. if he dies say at 68....can she (at 49) then collect his SS or will she have to wait until SHE is 65 to collect his SS??

She can collect earlier than age 65 with reduced benefits regardless of whether he dies or not. If he's alive, she gets half of what he gets. If he's dead, she gets what he was getting. How much earlier than age 65 she can collect depends upon when she was born. It was as early as age 62 but that age is higher for people born after about 1940. Nobody was ever able to collect Social Security earlier than age 62 except in cases of disability, or losing a spouse and having minor children. If she never worked or worked very little then she can't collect disability since that is based solely on her work record. If she has no minor children the other way is out as well. Also, I think you have to be married for at least 10 years before you can collect based on your spouse's record. In the case you gave the woman would not be eligible to collect spousal benefits at all since the marriage was only 2 years old at the time of the husband's death.