Solarforce Protected Rechargeable CR123's!?


May 21, 2008
Just found these on Ebay, listed at $14.99/free shipping for 4xCR123's, listed at 880mah, protection circuit apparently kicks in at 2.75v, maxed out at 4.2. Anyone else have any experience with them? I couldn't resist trying them at that price. I figure at least 1 or 2 will be duds, but who knows. I haven't had any complaints about solarforce led dropins, that's for sure...
They are probably rebadged Trustfires. Many of these generic Chinese brands buy excess stock from OEM factories and rebadge them with their own brands.

The Trustfires are OK performers as long as the current draw isn't more than 1.2A. Thats because their cell chemistry is quite ordinary and their capacity is usually overated 20%-30%. 880mah is probably about 650mah or less in reality.
I'll likely be using them in a c2 w r2 drop in... should be ok/under 1.2a.

They are probably rebadged Trustfires. Many of these generic Chinese brands buy excess stock from OEM factories and rebadge them with their own brands.

The Trustfires are OK performers as long as the current draw isn't more than 1.2A. Thats because their cell chemistry is quite ordinary and their capacity is usually overated 20%-30%. 880mah is probably about 650mah or less in reality.