I've always wanted to put one of those 5xCree modules into mag 2C.
I did manage to get it done, but it turns out harder than I thought.
Perhaps, that's why you don't see this often? It looks about 2x as bright as the two XPG R5/1.6Amp Mag 2C I sold here a short while ago. There are some "wrinkles" on the outer top edge of the reflectors, but tucked under the mag bezel if you look at the light face on & doesn't affect the beam as it's hidden. This was due to grinding of the module from outside to fit mag head but didn't "break the skin".
Price is $79,
add $10 for Shipping & PP Fee. USA Only. Batteries not included.
I did manage to get it done, but it turns out harder than I thought.
Perhaps, that's why you don't see this often? It looks about 2x as bright as the two XPG R5/1.6Amp Mag 2C I sold here a short while ago. There are some "wrinkles" on the outer top edge of the reflectors, but tucked under the mag bezel if you look at the light face on & doesn't affect the beam as it's hidden. This was due to grinding of the module from outside to fit mag head but didn't "break the skin".
Price is $79,
add $10 for Shipping & PP Fee. USA Only. Batteries not included.
- Brand New Mag 2C in Titanium Grey/Gun Metal color
- 5xCree Module driven by 15W 5xCree driver
- 5 Modes, Hi, Med, Low plus fast/slow strobes.
- Powered by 2x Li-ion.
- Grind down the rim to fit mag head
- Cut the module in half to clear the Mag C tube
- Hi = 800mA per LED or 15-16W total power
- Estimated around ~800-1000 led lumens
- Perfectly shaped, small & round hot spot
- This will blow away the new Malkoff XPG drop-in
- This light will out throws P7/MCE/XPG R5 type mag mods.
- will give you 2-3 hour Run time depends on what Li-ion you use.
- the 5xCree are nice snow white tint, in perfect alignment,producing a surpricingly nice hot spot that's flowless.
- 2x18500 protected Li-ion with the a DIY battery sleeve
- 2x18650 protected Li-ion with download's Mag Ring (to extend the mag a few mm longer) & recessed spring mod
- 2x18650 IMR 18650 with recessed spring mod, no need for the mag ring
- 2x18650 unprotected li-ion with recessed spring mod
- 2x DX 25500 C-lion, unprotected version (The protected one is too long)
- 2xAW IMR 26500 if bore out the battery tube to 26 mm
- 2x DX 25500 C-lion, protected version (If you use an AW C-lion 10mm extender)

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