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Sold/Expired SOLD: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
all items are now sold.....I will accept your interest though for a second run....this may happen some time from now, pending availability of parts (not forseeable)....

I have received 10 switch PCBs and a good amount of KD Forward Switches to mount onto them....This is actually a first/trail run.

This sale is a Drop-In Switch for the Solarforce L2 and many more flashlights
Ultrafire/Superfire WF-501, Ultrafire C2, Ultrafire L2/503/504, Spiderfire xO-3 and many more… (See the Compatibility section below)


The switch itself is used by Fenix, JETBeam and Dereelight among others, and I feel it has proved its reliability. I have measured 3.3A current on it, another member has reported 3A, had no complaints from local guys using them, and as a matter of fact I have run an MCE/18650 to depltion with this switch.
The switch does NOT exhibit the flashing phenomenon where upon the click-on action it flashes.
small update....I dared to put these switches in a Mag85 (Soalrforce/FM D26 G4 bi-pin adaptor).Lighted up & worked fine

addition 06/11: I think this is the most straightforward switch mod...While other methods need some tinkering, this is a drop-in cos it maintains the original tailcap structure...

For more info on this Mod please see this and this


SINGLE item price is 5 Euros and PAIR price is 10 Euros.
Due to the small value and the value/postage ratio I suggest buying TWO of them.

5 euros are about $6 at the moment. Current rate can be seen here: http://www.xe.com/

Postage & Packing Cost is

2 Euros for Regular Airmail (all destinations)
4.50 Euros for Registered Airmail (Europe)
6.70 Euros for Registered Airmail (US & International Destinations)

I will absorb all fees included CC Paypal Charge.

Payable by PAYPAL to

xxxx removed xxxxx

Switch & Installation Instructions

When you start with a Solarforce L2 Tailcap, it is like this


Then you replace the red underlined parts with the supplied ones.


Item Consists Of

Forward Switch mounted on 20mm PCB
Special Prepared Bootie (GITD with post removed). (Please tell if you have to have Black or Orange, my supplies are limited)
Spacers (necessary for non-standard applications)

Installation Instructions

You will need needle nose pliers or strong tweezers to start the retaining ring moving.


Then you gently push the original switch out, install first the new bootie and then the case and switch itself. You finish by dropping in the thin shim and screwing down the retaining ring.

Compatibility Issues

The PCB mounted FWD switch can be placed in any Solarforce L2-sized or bigger flashlights that use a retaining ring.
That excludes the Ultrafire/Superfire C1 that has the tailcap innards in a single screw-in unit.

Most Chinese flashlights use a case to properly locate and align the switch both for length and for tilt… It is shown in the pics above (center).
Tailcaps that do not use this, can have the switch installed if a spacer is used. It matches the internal tailcap diameter (to control tilt) and it is the light blue one shown in the pic below….


The extra metallic spacers are used to control switch height and contact with the rubber bootie.

edit: Also please tell if you are using a Solarforce L2P. Or an Ultrafire 504, Its case is a bit different. I will supply a new one.

Extra Service

2 out of the 10 PCBs accept a TWO-STAGE SWITCH (Resistored).


If you wish I can make the mod. Switching Sequence is Off-High-Low.

Please contact me for more details. (Unless you know the resistor value and watt rating beforehand, you MUST inform me of your driver type*, battery type, and wished for output).
Probably NON-SMD resistors will be used
(* this is because NON-PWM Controlled Drivers exhibit Considerable TINT SHIFT on low levels, like the AMC7135 based drivers)

Ordering Process

You check what others have bought.
You pick available numbers from the list below, and post you pick for othes to know.
If you have questions Hold payment until details have been worked out,
You inform me of the payment & transaction details. (Please add you CPF HANDLE in the Paypal notes form).
You inform me of the flashlight to be installed.

For those that will opt for the two-mode switches.

Make your pick (to reserve the PCBs).
Hold payment until details have been worked out.

For those that wish for more than 2

Make your payment for your pair of switches.
Please wait some time for unbought/unreserved items.
Paypal the value of the extra switches ONLY (NOT OF THE POSTAGE) and inform me of.

For those that Missed Out

Please state your interest in this thread for me to consider a second run.

Item List & Process Updates

1. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin - paid - shipped - received
2. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin - paid - shipped - received

3. Forward Clickie Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped - received

4. Forward Clickie Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped - received
5. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124 - paid - shipped - received
6. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124 - paid - shipped - received
7. Forward Clickie Switch - volt - paid - shipped
8. Forward Clickie Switch - volt - paid - shipped
9. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped - received

10. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch syncytial - paid - shipped - received

Thank you! Kostas
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Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Can I push 10A through these?(had to ask)

And will these fit in a custom tailcap(Brass + McClicky) that no longer has the plastic retaining ring?
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Can I push 10A through these?(had to ask)

hahaha! i do not think it will

And will these fit in a custom tailcap(Brass + McClicky) that no longer has the plastic retaining ring?

They may fit but a METAL ring is necessary to contact electricity fro the NEG switch side to the flashlight body.....this pic shows the PCB underside.
http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/8631/igp4062.jpg (center & right)

No luck my friend....

BTW I do not well the retaining ring OR the tailcap body. This is for the PCB mounted switch only....
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Bump! bump!
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Sending PM re: two-stage switches...

- Syncytial.
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

I actually bought some of those same switches from KD, and learned two things:

Thing One: They aren't direct replacements for some of my Solarforce tailcaps; the PCB holes vary. :sigh:

Thing Two: I seriously suck at soldering. :sick2:

So... I'll bite!! :D

:paypal: €12 for two KostaClickies, Transaction ID #7LX326896Y3652248
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Based on PMs... I'll take two of the standard forward clickies and two two-mode forward clickies:

1. Forward Clickie Switch – syncytial paid
2. Forward Clickie Switch - syncytial paid
3. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin paid
4. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin paid
5. Forward Clickie Switch
6. Forward Clickie Switch
7. Forward Clickie Switch
8. Forward Clickie Switch
9. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch - syncytial paid
10. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch- syncytial paid


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Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....


you did some work for me too! thanks!

Thing One: They aren't direct replacements for some of my Solarforce tailcaps; the PCB holes vary.

Thing Two: I seriously suck at soldering.

Well that is what i am here for LOLOL

Got the money will sent the switches Monday morning///
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Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

I dont suppose you still have these available? I need one for my Ultrafire 501a.
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

yes they are still available....check that you can dissasemble the tailcap...
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....


i take
5. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124
6. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124
For Solarforce L2P
Black Booties



1. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin - paid - shipped

2. Forward Clickie Switch - Gryffin - paid - shipped

3. Forward Clickie Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped

4. Forward Clickie Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped
5. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124 -paid-
6. Forward Clickie Switch - gonzo124 -paid
7. Forward Clickie Switch
8. Forward Clickie Switch
9. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch - syncytial - paid - shipped

10. Forward Clickie or Two-Stage Switch syncytial - paid - shipped
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Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

:paypal: 12 Euros for Number 5 and 6


Thank you

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Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Hi Costas,

it is the
Solarforce L2P HAIII BK flashlight

Thank you

Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

I received my switches today (regular airmail.) They were extremely well packed, and included extra spacers and such. The internal packing materials are useful for other functions too.

I dropped the standard forward switches into a pair of Solarforce L2 lights, and they worked perfectly. I received the green boots, but if I want to use the original black ones, the mod is easy. The soldering was well done too.

I'm very happy!


- Syncytial.
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Syncytial, thanks for your kind words....

But i do not consider my soldering that good....been learning to use the past these days and i will never be pleased unless I can make them as clean as DarkZero's

Gonzo, package was sent....
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Ever think about doing a 3-mode? Low/medium/full? I've seen On-On-On-Off switches on DX but they're reverse clicky. I'm an electronics beginner but am considering getting into it to turn my Spiderfire SSC P7 2-mode (tailcap-controlled) into a 3-mode at the tailcap so as not to sacrifice full direct-drive mode. I'd make it more like "Low"-"Efficient"-"Turbo/Overdrive" modes. Even if only reverse ready-made 3-mode clickies were available, I think people would buy them; but if forward were available, that'd be something special. More importantly, aside from the bare reverse switch, I know of nothing more similar on the market. I wouldn't even know what rating resistors to use.

Separate question: have you done any tests to measure the energy drop across the switch?
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Separate question: have you done any tests to measure the energy drop across the switch?

No, I stydied HKJ's guide but Had not the time to.....it requires some preperation....To be hnst at the moment I am resting on the wide range use of the switch.

Regarding the 3-mode..the issue is locsting the proper boards....to my knowledge there are not any in retail. The fact that there were 2 in the batch i Got was a lucky coincidence....having one and studying the resistor rating (determine size too) one could jury rig 2 resistors on a single PCB trace...especially if the board is setup for a standard resistor and not a SMD one...

Thnaks for the interest too....

As an aside...I have trouble communicsating with KD...With further supplies douptful I will be withdrawning the rest 2 available in a week...
I got to keep the for the local market I am trying to nudge into....
Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

Hi Kostas,

Switch are coming.
Working perfect. :twothumbs

Thank You

Re: FS: Forward Click Switch Dropins for Solarforce L2 and other flashlights....

I've been meaning to install forward clicky's in my L2's for some time now - I guess now is a good time :sssh:

I'll take the last two (#7 & #8) with 1 black bootie & 1 green if possible.

Thanks, Rick


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