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$$$$ Whoa! ! !
NO KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had no problem paying just over $250 for my HA slate McluxIII PD, but WOW!!!oo:
Good luck:twothumbs, you'll need it:devil:.
gjg said:It's all supply and demand folks - how many chromed Al were made?
Praetor said:Slate is great, but Chrome stands alone. Very few of these made indeed.
If my refund came back sooner. . .Hmmm. . .
Too close to Tax season, and a recent pair of "waves" may be hindering some rare beauties sales this recent days...That S27-PD from Luxlunatic has been for sale too long also. Both this and the S27 would have been snatched up in a blink of an eye, not too long ago.What is goin' on here? This rare beauty has been on the Boards for this long with no "I'll take it" offers? That's amazing. There was a time in the not-too-distant past where a chrome PD would go in about donn-speed. What's the deal?
... could be. Let's say 62.5! My integrating sphere is in the shop.
It's white and it's bright, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
What on earth is a Starke? Isn't that the name of a gay bar in Kansas?