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Sold/Expired Sold McLux III 27LT with MOFO bezel


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2008
Another classic piece....
Selling it because I only use 1-cell torches..

No dings or scratches..


The third light in the McLuxIII-Series, this time with the McR-27L and a DBx2 driver. Think of it as a hybrid between the PD and the HD45 on a 2x123 chassis. Comes with a LuxIII UX1K and offers extreme toughness and technical finesse.

Above text copied shamelessly from Bernies infothread on McGizmo`s..

200 USD
with Titanium MOFO bezel (original inc.)

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Re: McLux III 27LT with MOFO bezel For sale/trade

Re: McLux III 27LT with MOFO bezel For sale/trade

Last priceadjustment or it goes to ttran and his recycling business........:eek:

210 shipped........

In case I had not said so, I eat PP fees as allways......:thumbsup:
Re: McLux III 27LT with MOFO bezel For sale/trade 210 US shipped!

Would you like to trade it with a standard version Legion II?
(Available within 2~2.5 months)

Re: McLux III 27LT with MOFO bezel For sale/trade 210 US shipped!

Very nice light. Beautiful beam.

Thanks Joel..!
It has a very nice beam !
Very smooth and it throws aswell....:thumbsup:

Would you like to trade it with a standard version Legion II?
(Available within 2~2.5 months)


A very nice offer but I now have to fund another purchase.....:tinfoil:
So trades are out......

Re: McLux III 27LT TI MOFO bezel *priced to move*

I like to make people happy but...

Dad I got a PM at:12.10 from another
member so this sold..........:sigh:

I knew interested people would watch the thread...
I think the new owner will come forward soon....
Re: Sold at an insane price...!!

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Re: McLux III 27LT TI MOFO bezel *priced to move*

I like to make people happy but...

Dad I got a PM at:12.10 from another
member so this sold..........:sigh:

I knew interested people would watch the thread...
I think the new owner will come forward soon....

Looks like you adjusted the price on the main thread at 1:35 p.m. So I wonder how, at 12:10 p.m., someone PM'ing you bought the light. :thinking: Your timing doesn't add up. In fact, none of the posts seem to line up logically with your price adjustment.
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Re: McLux III 27LT TI MOFO bezel *priced to move*

Looks like you adjusted the price on the main thread at 1:35 p.m. So I wonder how, at 12:10 p.m., someone PM'ing you bought the light. :thinking: Your timing doesn't add up.

Could be "my" time is not correctly set and that affects the inbox aswell....???

My real time now: 00:23 AM,
the time at the bottom of CPF says 04:19 PM....

I asked ages ago in another thread what the REAL time was but nobody answered...

I dunno...
Check with Burkstar..?
He would have the correct time when he sent it..

I wouldn`t dream of selecting people for my sales with exception of people that has been in the "jeers" section on the MP....
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Re: McLux III 27LT TI MOFO bezel *priced to move*

Looks like you adjusted the price on the main thread at 1:35 p.m. So I wonder how, at 12:10 p.m., someone PM'ing you bought the light. :thinking: Your timing doesn't add up. In fact, none of the posts seem to line up logically with your price adjustment.

And how do you know the only changes has been priceadjustments...
I`ve lowered the price several times and wrote that once..
I`ve done other changes like taking away the "trades welcome" post...
But not changing "reason for editing"...

Why on earth would I want to even select out of two people I do not know...

I lowered the price so that somebody realy wanting the torch could buy...
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I adjusted my timezone to Europe +-0 hours and it now says that I recieved the PM from Burkstar at 07:10 PM..........................:poof:

I realy can`t help out with these questions...
No prob, lumafist. It's always difficult when the CPF clock is never accurate and when sales threads don't have "first to post in the thread" statements. It's really not a big deal. I was just bustin' your chops - didn't mean to sound whiny. :D Congrats to the new owner.
No prob, lumafist. It's always difficult when the CPF clock is never accurate and when sales threads don't have "first to post in the thread" statements. It's really not a big deal. I was just bustin' your chops - didn't mean to sound whiny. :D Congrats to the new owner.

I`ll be sure to include the "first to post in the thread" statement for future reference...
The problem is that most people start out with questions about shipping and such for us "overseas" fellas maybe....

Thanks for getting back to me about this...!

Issue resolved then I guess...
I realy don`t want it to seem that I have
preference in buyers that`s all...

:thumbsup: I hope..
Thanks again for not just ignoring it...:thumbsup:

I`m a paices btw...........
We tend to be sensitive...