Going through some old, long stored flashlight stuff, I rediscovered the extra JimmyM regulator I forgot I had. I used two others to build my LarryK14 sleeper lights. You can get your hands on this rare item for $60.00 shipped to the U.S.
17 - 70 Volts DC input range
40 Amps minimum output
Read about it here:
Adapters SOLD
Two new and unused 8AA to 2D adapters. These are from way back when CPF'rs first began making cell adapters. They are Serial, Voltage adding, not Parallel configuration. $29 shipped to the U.S.SOLD
17 - 70 Volts DC input range
40 Amps minimum output
Read about it here:
Adapters SOLD
Two new and unused 8AA to 2D adapters. These are from way back when CPF'rs first began making cell adapters. They are Serial, Voltage adding, not Parallel configuration. $29 shipped to the U.S.SOLD
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