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Sold/Expired SOLD: The Montage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 1, 2006
The Montage or
Frankenbeaut or
The Spirit of CPF or of course
I have come up with a number of names for this unique piece.
A bunch of CPF's best are represented in this beautiful chunck of titanium.
-Ti Pineapple body by PEU
-Ti 27L head and Ti tail by Tranquility Base
-Ti bezel by TnC
-27XR reflector and two stage tail switch by McGizmo
-SDC 1000 (SuperDownCoverter) by Arcmania driving a P4 Cree in a XR can
-Anti-reflective glass lens by Flashlightlens.com
Polished up and assembled by me!

The TB head is IMO the best looking design to compliment the Pineapple body to date. The mating of the threads between the pieces is great, especially the tail to body, very smooth twisting action for the two stages, and the bezel cinches down to the body with hardly any gap, awesome machining TB!!!. Very bright and very white beam from the P4(forgot the bin) and barely any "Cree halo" is noticable, best I have seen.

This is such a cool light for the fact that the only piece really made for the core (Pineapple) of the light is the head, nothing else was really made or designed for this light in paticular but it all comes together in one of the best looking lights IMO, and all coming from a number of talents of CPF. I love this light but it has been collecting dust lately, only fondling it and firing it up once in a while to wow myself, so I thought its time for someone else to enjoy it.
Well time for some pictures. Click on the thumbnails for a larger than life view!

Price is SOLD $795
Paypal only.
First "I'll take it" in this thread has priority.
Paypal fees and shipping to CONUS(priority with delivery conformation) included in price.
Insurance optional but extra.
Not interested in trades at this time.

Thanks for looking

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Re: FS: The Montage

Wow!, amazing how all the pieces look purpose built for that light!
Re: FS: The Montage

Yet, another fine example of flashlight pornography, from some of the top customizers in the industry. Where's that drool smilie?? Oh heres it is: :drool:
Re: FS: The Montage

Lux, I can't believe you could let that one go.

That head is indeed the best match I've seen for the Pi. After seeing yours, I had TB craft me up a 27XR head as well, incredible throw.

Awesome polish job and a very fair price!
Re: FS: The Montage

Thanks guys.
LZ, I cant believe I am parting with it either! I will most definately have sellers remorse if it goes!
Re: FS: The Montage

Awesome looking light there. :drool: Wish I had the dough :broke:... You really should put 'The ALL Ti Montage' in the thread title...:whistle:
Re: FS: The Montage

Ah Corey, you Dog!

I lusted.... I PM'd.... I lusted some more.... Double checked the checkbook, got a napkin to clean up the drool off my desk, but you pulled the trigger. Good for you as I was going to go down to the clinic in the morning and sell some blood!

Let me know how you enjoy it.... and keep me in mind????

Best to ya!
Re: FS: The Montage

Had money waiting for a the 007 spy and this thing comes up, Now I have to see how I can buy the spy. Think Think Think :thinking: