Something New from ULTRAFIRE - 3 WATT 2-AAA with Click Switch


Jun 17, 2006
Ultrafire WF601B - I think its new, I had never seen one before. Found it on EBAY from the ULTRAFIRE SHOP. 20.00 SHIPPED. Ive seen a number of threads in here with people wanting a small 2-aaa with a click switch. When I saw the picture it looked like it was the same size as the 2-AA. Then I read up on it and saw the measurements. 5.5 inches long. Body is about 5/8 inch. Brightest 2-AAA Ive ever seen. And I love the size. Could easily be carried in a pocket if it had a clip on it.
Two things I found amazing. One was the fact I just ordered this last sunday and I received it today. 6 days from Hong Kong to Virginia. Fastest Ive ever got anything from Hong Kong. The second was what I found when I took it apart. Look at the last picture, It says SEOUL Z LED. The write up on ebay says its a luxeon but this one sure isnt.

NOTE:Comes apart easily, reflector is plastic but the lens is glass and the lens is glued to the reflector.

RUNTIME - Ive run it for two 30 min runs with no drop in brightness. Will continue the test later tonight.
EDIT - ran it another 20 min and it dropped to about 30% brightness. It would still come back on though. I think one of the two batteries was weak to start. When I checked them this time one was .80 volts and the other was 1.15 volts. Normally they would have been about the same reading. Ill redo the runtime test tomorrow.

Heres the light in the middle compared in size to a ULTRAFIRE "VIPPA" and a INOVA 2- AAA.



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I would really like a barrel switch, does this is a tailswitch? Is it at least not another reverse clicky? Notice any difference in brightness between rechargeable and alkalines?

Basically the same light in a 2 x AA format has been available for quite some time - not at all a bad light for the money but not the sort of thing most of the users here seem to look for typically.
You don't, by any chance, have a Fenix L0D CE to compare (in terms of brightness) do you?

Sorry no Fenix but its ALOT brighter than the 2aaa Inova and just as bright as the Vippa.

I would really like a barrel switch, does this is a tailswitch? Is it at least not another reverse clicky? Notice any difference in brightness between rechargeable and alkalines?

Yes its a tailcap reverse clickie and I dont have any rechargables.
Basically the same light in a 2 x AA format has been available for quite some time - not at all a bad light for the money

Same as the 2xAA format but ALOT SMALLER. Even looks like the 2xAA VERSION. I really like the size of this light.

Edit - the 2xAA version is the WF601A.
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I wonder if a Solitaire or Arc-AAA pocketclip would fit between the knurling and the head.

Not sure, Ive got a couple of clips Ill try later and see, got to leave for awhile, Ill be back later.
Nice find mhubble. Thanks for the pictures and the review.

According to your measurements (5.5" by 5/8"), it's almost the same size as a MiniMag 2xAA. Is that right?
Is the head the same size as the WF601A?

The head is .95 Inch, Not sure what the wf601a is but Im pretty sure this one is smaller.

According to your measurements (5.5" by 5/8"), it's almost the same size as a MiniMag 2xAA. Is that right?

Actually this is alot smaller than a minimag.
I wonder if a Solitaire or Arc-AAA pocketclip would fit between the knurling and the head.

Had a fenix pocket clip for an E1 that fits good. And a bigger one I got from light hound fits perfect too. The one from lighthond looks like the ones that come on the river rock 1 aa.
Neat! I have the 2 x AA version, which I converted to a SSC P4. I love it. It makes a great airplane mechanic's light...great textured grip, simple on/off only, nice size and balanced when holding. It's regulated too...I never notice a drop off in brightness during the 3.5 hour runtime. A coworker really liked it too...he had me order and build one to replace his giant Streamlight SL-20.

I might have to order this smaller version too...looks cool!
Finally finished the runtime test. On Duracell Ultras you get about an hour of almost full brightness and another 30-40 min of about 30-40% brightness.

On lithium I got almost 2 hours of full brightness and another 40 min of 30-40 % brightness.
Minjin said:
Now they just need a WF601C....2 x AAAA. :laughing:
May as well keep it going and wish for AAAAAA! Be about the same size as a pencil lead! :)