Sony Stamina


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Hi all, have not posted in a while. So i used to buy Sony Stamina AA and AAA for cheap from the bay years ago. I checked today and prices are crazy plus there are not too many available. I had enough of leaking Duracell and Energizer so thats why I went to Sony. I recall i used to pay like .25 to .40 cents a piece. I have tons of Eneloop. The Sony are for friends, family to give, etc. Are the Stamina still available inexpensive maybe other places are there better alternatives? Any input appreciated.
We know that Sony sold their LiIon cell business to Murata some years ago. Perhaps they decided to quit the whole electrochemical division, including the primary cell business as well. I don't know if Sony ever manufactured, whatever was sold under the Stamina brand. What I know is that some 15 years ago I had a set of Stamina AA NiMH that were made in Japan and looked and behaved exactly as Eneloops. I believe that Sony rebranded cells by other manufacturers, and perhaps, they decided to quit this business now.