Spare 2AA MiniMag host...what to do?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 9, 2009
Tampa, FL
I rescued a very clean, but gutless MiniMag from the trash bin the other day, as a fellow I know had a battery set go south and ruin his TerraLUX upgrade. The body is clean as whistle, but he drove the batteries out and ruined the bulb mount.

Any good project ideas? This would actually be my first modded light.

Since the contact assembly is gone, why not build a sammie from The Sandwich Shoppe? The setup that started it all...
OFC heatsink, driver from the shoppe, q5 or r2 + 18mm reflector from dx..thats what i'm driving in my 1x14500 minimag :D
I've had good luck with this mod, a variation on the sandwich. I've made about 4 of these with no issues. The GD1000 seemed to be the best driver out of all that I tried (MM+/BB750)

I've also had better luck with the 18mm reflector from DX, it pushes right into the head, but just needs some isolation from the top of the emitter, or it will short.
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