Spectrographic analyses, pg. 3

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Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
The last thread was closed because of size, so this new thread will take its place.
The old thread is right here if you're interested.


Spectrographic analysis of a 5mm SiC (silicon carbide) blue LED, circa. ~1995.
If (forward current) was ~150mA for this test so that I could get an acceptably high reading.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0538 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of a Nichia NSPE590S blue-green LED, circa. ~1999.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0542 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)
What type of hardware and software do you recommend for performing such analyses?
I use pretty much what was provided to me.
In this case, a USB2000 spectrometer from Ocean Optics ($2,999.00) and SpectraSuite operating software, also from Ocean Optics ($349.00).

I have no other recommendations to offer here, simply because I have not used any other hardware except for a Spectroscopic and Analytical Developments (SAD) spectrometer, which I had functional for a brief period just after the turn of the century. It was ok, but certainly not up to the same standards that the USB2000 is.

Spectrographic analysis of a 5mm yellow-green LED, circa. ~2003.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0427 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of a 5mm phosphor pink LED, Radio Shack # 276-0019 from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0408 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of a 3mm red LED, circa. ~2005.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0409 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of a 5mm red LED, circa. ~2004.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0410 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of the red die of a 5mm RGB LED, Radio Shack # 276-0028 from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0411 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of the green die of a 5mm RGB LED, Radio Shack # 276-0028 from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0412 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of the blue die of a 5mm RGB LED, Radio Shack # 276-0028 from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0412 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of an Avago # ASMT-QWBE-NFHBED/C SMD white LED from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0414 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of an Avago # ASMT-QWBE-NFHODE/C SMD white LED from 2008.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0414 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)

Spectrographic analysis of the UVC CCFT in the Mini Disinfecting UV Scanner.
Spectrometer's response band narrowed to a range of 250nm to 260nm for this plot to show the 253.7nm mercury line.

{computer alarm/beeping noises} {female computer voice} 0416 hours. Warning! Regeneration cycle incomplete! ;)
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