Springs and tubes for Mag85?


Feb 17, 2004
I have two 3D hosts that I put together several years ago but never did anything with them regarding batteries. They've been sitting on the shelf, with brand new reflectors and 1185 bulbs. How do I run 18650's in this host? I have several 3X123 2C mods which worked fine with just a pvc tube wrapped in electrical tape to keep the tube stable. Do I need to change the spring to use 3X18650? If so, where can I get the "right" spring? What else do I need to do to the host? How do I "deanodize" and is that necessary?
You won't fit 3 x 18650 in there - they are too long (they are 67 mm, while alkaline C-cells are 50 mm.)

You might get 3 x 18500 in there, but you would probably need a 10 mm extension tube from AW (cost $12.50, see half-way down post #1 in that link).

However, running a WA 1185 on 18500s will hammer the cells very hard. I would normally recommend AW's "C" Li-Ions instead (same link), however he is temporarily out of stock of these and is currently deciding whether or not to do another run of them.

Just de-anodise the bottom end of the inside of the tail cap - ie anywhere where your contact spring will make contact with it and try fitting a smaller spring inside the recessed part of the cap.....Try a Mag C cell spring..... you may still need to do some bending / trimming of the spring to make it a snug fit.

That should do the trick.:thumbsup:

PS You'll need some PVC tube around the cells to pack them out a bit due to their small diameter.

Thanks. Can I "de-anodize" with sandpaper or do I actually have to use lye? I already have some PVC tubing that 123's fit in, so I assume that will work for the 18650's as well.
Any means you have at you disposal to de-anodise is fine.

You might find access with sandpaper is difficult though....I've used a Dremmel in the past for similar projects.

Your PVC tube will probably be 17MM inner diameter if it's for the CR123's.

Your 18650's are obviously 18MM.

YI would normally recommend AW's "C" Li-Ions instead (same link), however he is temporarily out of stock of these and is currently deciding whether or not to do another run of them.

:sick2: :sigh: Well, I sure hope he does - I've only got two! :mecry:
Thanks, Tim. Just to make sure I understand exactly where you're talking about....if I take the spring out and sandpaper the actual flat part of the tailcap (the very bottom), which is where the spring contacts the bottom, that would do it?

Not sure about the PVC I use, but there's a little room left over with 123's so I'm sure it will fit the 18 mm as well.
A point worth mentioning is that the spring's pressure on cells should not exceed 15 lbs. I find 10 lbs is a good working pressure.
OK....is there any place that sells springs, mixed sizes, at a reasonable price?
davidra -

Liquid Plummer or liquid Draino will save you a lot of time. Fill the tailcap about 3/4 up and let it sit for several hours. It will boil up a little.

Often the original spring can just can be reshaped to work but DM51 makes a good point to not allow too much pressure. So the spring may need to be cut down a little.

On the top spiral, bend the end of the spring across the diameter and point the tip slightly down to avoid gouging the cells. On the bottom spiral, reshape it to be tighter.

Below are C Mags but they illustrate reshaped springs. Disregard the machine bolts and magnets. The second tailcap had a little too much Draino in it but it worked out OK for that application.



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Excellent. Thanks. Now I just need to get the 18650's which should be here any day now. Think I've already got Liquid Plum'r.....