SS lanyard ring, an alternative to the Novatac clip.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
Received this lanyard ring from Burman today.Made from 1mm thick SS it is a good alternative to the stock clip.This was a sample sent to me,to test the fit on the Novatacs,and as you can see it fits perfectly.A job well done Burman,gets a thumbs up from me.:twothumbs:twothumbs


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Re: Alternative to the Novatac clip.

I'm definitely in for one if/when he sells them!!!:thumbsup:
Re: Alternative to the Novatac clip.

CPF member Burman,has told me he is getting some Ti to try as well.

I think he is onto a winner,if he decides to sell them.

I'm sure he will chime in at some point.
Re: Alternative to the Novatac clip.

Received this lanyard ring from Burman today.Made from 1mm thick SS it is a good alternative to the stock clip.This was a sample sent to me,to test the fit on the Novatacs,and as you can see it fits perfectly.A job well done Burman,gets a thumbs up from me.
It looks promising - certainly a great deal better than the POS stock Novatac thing.

It could use a bit shaved off all round the outside though, as it stands 'proud' of the body at the moment - the external diameter is a bit too big. Can this be done without weakening it too much?

Also, it would look better in black / HA, rather than bare SS, so it blends in with the light body. I don't see any point in doing it in Ti.
DM51,Thats my fault I wanted it that size,for me the protruding edge,aids in the grip.But I,m sure .50mm or even .75mm could be taken off.But that is down to Burman.But really it does not look that big in the flesh,I'd say slightly smaller than the stock clip OD.
Ti SS I care not. As long as I am able to get one for m self as well.
This is exactly perfect. I have some exactly like this for some MrBulk flashlights I have. They do not fit the NovaTac.
This would fit my planned work carry mode perfectly!!.
if there's a Ti one ever made, i'd DEFINITELY be down. just tell me where to send the paypal!
I should try to cut some titan in a couple of weeks but have never tried before so i have no idea it they will look nice.
Looks good........I would try to get lanyard with a sturdy plastic clip, so it wouldn't scratch the HA.
