SSC P4 direct drive question


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2007
Hi guys. I have a 17670 that's about 5 months old and fresh off the charger at 4.17 V. I connected it to a SSC P4 direct drive and only got a current draw of 700 mA. I read somewhere in this forum that it's supposed to drive a SSC P4 at around 1 Amp. Any ideas what went wrong? Could the SSC P4 be on it's last legs?
It could just be that certain emiiter is only going to pull the 700 in direct drive. Nothing wrong with the emitter.

I have had different lux's that pulled different currents out of the same bin codes, as much as 150mAh. hb.
I'm afraid I don't know the Vf. The SSC was salvaged from a cheap flashlight. It was running on 6 volts with resistor. I can't remember how much resistance though.
Is the SSC in a host or bare? Hopefully it has an outlet for heat! :tinfoil:
I once tried direct drive a SSC without resistor from a 18650, which has similar characteristics as a 17670. The current draw was 1.5A when the battery was full at 4.2V. Still over 1A at 3.85V. So either you got a SSC with an extraordinary Vf or the battery is dying, or both. You can find out by measuring the battery voltage under load.
It could also be your ammeter is contributing more resistance than you think. If possible, try switching the ammeter to a higher measuring range. You give up resolution for more accuracy due to a lower value internal resistor.
Thanks guys for the suggestions.

EngrPaul: The SSC is on an old aluminium heatsink I took from an old PC. Thanks for the concern though. :)

RV7: I'll measure the Voltage under load when soon.

jsr: I'm using a multimeter that is set on 10A resolution.
RV7: The battery's voltage under load is 3.7 V. Fresh off the charger, the voltage was 4.17 V.
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3.7V at 700mA for an SSC doesn't sound too high.

10A range is fine considering it's in series with the LED.

The internal resistance of a healthy 17670 should be below 0.2 ohm. So at 700mA the output voltage drop should be less than 0.15V. If you measure the open circuit voltage of your battery now and get a reading higher than 3.85V, then the battery is aged, or has experienced over charge/discharge many times.
Thanks for the help guys. :twothumbs

I'll try and get another battery and SSC to pinpoint the problem.
EngrPaul can give you the best advice, since was the GURU of modding SSC P4 Seoul flashlights.
Thanks guys for the suggestions.

EngrPaul: The SSC is on an old aluminium heatsink I took from an old PC. Thanks for the concern though. :)

RV7: I'll measure the Voltage under load when soon.

jsr: I'm using a multimeter that is set on 10A resolution.